Brenna Phillips ’24 has been awarded the 2024 Righeimer Prize, an honor that celebrates a graduating student in recognition of exceptional citizenship within the Harvard Law School community.

Phillips was recognized for her involvement and leadership in a wide-range of student organizations and extracurricular activities, and for her tireless efforts on behalf of the law school community during her time at Harvard Law School.

One nominator wrote: “Brenna has truly done it all. She is involved in more organizations than any human can keep track of. She led the best parody in the history of HLS. She spearheaded the Affinity Group Council. She is in Lambda. BLSA. DLSA. You name it, Brenna is there, with her magnetic smile, contagious energy, and absolute enthusiasm. Brenna embodies everything that is the best of what HLS has to offer: talent, creativity, kindness, compassion, and passion. I cannot think of a single individual more deserving of this award.”

A section leader in Section 1, Phillips also served as president of the Affinity Group Counci, chief of staff for the Black Law Student Association, DE&I chair of Lambda, and as a producer of this year’s annual musical parody, “Barbrie,” in which public health Barbie successfully facilitated a vaccine drive in Barbieland.

Another nominator wrote: “If you ask anyone who has worked, or even interacted, with Brenna (including administration, affinity groups, classmates, facilities, and more), they would add that not only does Brenna put in the work and time to support the community, but Brenna’s mere presence, kindness, and humor creates and supports the community. Brenna constantly goes out of their way to support others and show up to lighten others’ load, understanding that small steps can make big changes.”

Phillips, whose academic interests included a focus on education reform, was deeply involved in the Education Law Clinic’s Impact Litigation and served as a leader and advocate for Massachusetts schoolchildren in the Youth Advocacy and Policy Lab.

Clinical Professor Michael Gregory ’04, faculty director of the Youth Advocacy & Policy Lab, said: “Brenna naturally exudes leadership in everything she does. Whether as a teaching fellow in Lawyering for Justice and the Art of Social Change, as an advanced clinical student in our Strategic Litigation clinic, as a producer of parody, or as a member of the Leadership Committee for the Youth Advocacy Fellows Program, Brenna has thrown herself with abandon and devotion into the things she is passionate about at HLS. Her energy, enthusiasm, and passion always elevate her work while also elevating those around her. Brenna is one of those rare people who is able to excel and at the same time also ensure everyone else feel good about themselves.”

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