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Today Posts

  • Esme Caramello and Jennifer Tarr

    HLAB Wins Major Victory for Homeowners in Massachusetts High Court

    August 10, 2011

    In the latest victory for the HLS Clinical Programs’ anti-foreclosure work, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled on Aug. 4 against lenders in a case argued by Harvard Legal Aid Bureau student Jennifer Tarr ’11.

  • Committee co-chaired by Bebchuk submits SEC rulemaking petition on political spending

    August 9, 2011

    The Committee on Disclosure of Corporate Political Spending, co-chaired by Harvard Law School Professor Lucian A. Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 and Robert J. Jackson, Jr. ’05, associate professor at Columbia Law School, submitted a rulemaking petition to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The petition urges the commission to develop rules to require public companies to disclose to shareholders the use of corporate resources for political activities.

  • 1,000 words

    August 9, 2011

    “Through the Eyes of the Vikings: An Aerial Vision of Arctic Lands” (National Geographic Press, 2010) is the glimmering result and Haas’ third book of aerial photography.

  • Roe in Project Syndicate: America’s first debt crisis

    August 9, 2011

    In an August 8 op-ed written for Project Syndicate, HLS Professor Mark Roe looks at the current U.S. debt crisis through the lens of what he calls ‘America’s first debt crisis:’ the one following the Revolutionary War.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Feldman in Bloomberg View: Debt-deal disaster shows genius of U.S. democracy

    August 9, 2011

    In his August 7 op-ed, the latest in a series for Bloomberg View, HLS Professor Noah Feldman discusses the perception of U.S. democracy in light of the government’s recent debt crisis.

  • Mary Ann Glendon receives Evangelium Vitae Medal

    Glendon to advise Romney in his bid for the White House

    August 5, 2011

    Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney ’75 recently announced that his Justice Advisory Committee will be co-chaired by HLS Professor Mary Ann Glendon along with Robert Bork and Richard Wiley. Leading a committee of 63 other lawyers, including HLS Professor Allen Ferrell ’95, they will advise Romney’s campaign on constitutional and judicial matters, homeland security, law enforcement, and regulatory issues.

  • Professor Charles Fried

    Fried in Scotus Blog: ‘The constitutional arguments against the healthcare mandate are utterly without merit’

    August 3, 2011

    On August 1st, Scotus Blog published an op-ed by Beneficial Professor of Law Charles Fried on the constitutionality of the healthcare mandate. In the piece, Fried argues that the attack against President Obama’s Affordable Care Act is pure politics and ignores established legal principles.

  • Eleven from HLS named to inaugural Fastcase 50 list

    August 3, 2011

    In July, Fastcase, a legal research service that provides a comprehensive online national law library, honored 50 leaders in the world of law, scholarship, and legal technology. From lawyers and judges to librarians and government servants, the inaugural list recognized the law’s “smartest, most courageous innovators, techies, visionaries, and leaders.”

  • Justice Breyer offers perspective as Tunisia prepares to design a constitution

    August 3, 2011

    U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer ’64 discussed the foundations of American democracy with Tunisian scholars at a conference hosted by NGO Almadanya on July 22 in the Amphitéâtre César in Yasmine-Hammamet, Tunisia.

  • Matan Koch ’05

    Matan Koch ’05 nominated to National Council on Disability

    August 3, 2011

    Matan Koch ’05, an associate at Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel, was nominated by President Barack Obama ’91 to serve as a member of the National Council on Disability.

  • U.S. Green Building Council

    Harvard celebrates a new record: 50 LEED-certified projects, including HLS’s Griswold Hall

    August 3, 2011

    The U.S. Green Building Council (UGBC) and Harvard University announced Aug. 1 that Harvard has become the first higher education institution to complete 50 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certifications for construction projects around campus. One of those certifications was earned by renovations at Harvard Law School’s Griswold Hall, which in 2009 was awarded the highest rating of LEED-CI Platinum.

  • On Radio Boston, Bordone addresses the debt negotiations

    July 28, 2011

    Clinical Professor Robert Bordone ’97, a specialist in negotiation and dispute resolution and director of the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program, was interviewed on public radio regarding the ongoing debt negotiations in Washington, D.C.

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Feldman in Bloomberg View: Limit Egyptian military power

    July 28, 2011

    In a July 24 op-ed for Bloomberg View titled “Don’t Let the Egyptian Army Follow Caesar’s Script,” HLS Professor Noah Feldman argues that extending the power of the Egyptian military would be a great danger to the country’s burgeoning democracy.

  • Learning from History: Rebecca Hamilton '07 analyzes a citizens’ advocacy movement from the inside

    Learning from History: Rebecca Hamilton ’07 analyzes a citizens’ advocacy movement from the inside

    July 27, 2011

    Rebecca Hamilton ’07 has traveled extensively in Sudan, interviewing powerful generals in the north and refugees in Darfur who had survived murderous government raids. But that was easy, she says, compared to the delicate task of talking about the book that resulted. “Fighting for Darfur: Public Action and the Struggle to Stop Genocide” is a look at the advocacy movement that Hamilton was part of and which she has now come to critique.

  • Professor Adrian Vermeule '93

    Vermeule in New York Times: Obama should raise the debt ceiling on his own

    July 26, 2011

    In a July 22 op-ed published in The New York Times ‘Opinion Pages’, HLS Professor Adrian Vermeule ’93 and his co-author, University of Chicago Law Professor Eric A. Posner ’91, address the current deadlock between President Barack Obama ’91 and Congress on raising the country’s legal borrowing limit by the August 2 deadline to avoid default.

  • Professor Alan Dershowitz

    Dershowitz in Boston Magazine: Is the government trying hard enough to get Whitey Bulger’s facilitators?

    July 26, 2011

    In an opinion piece posted on July 22 in the 'Boston Daily' section of Boston Magazine online, HLS Professor Alan M. Dershowitz looks at the Whitey Bulger case, voicing his opinion that the government needs to focus its attention on Bulger’s relatives and closest acquaintances in trying to determine who may have facilitated his fugitive status.

  • Professor Hal Scott

    Scott in Financial Times: Little to celebrate on Dodd-Frank’s birthday

    July 22, 2011

    In a July 19 op-ed published in the Opinion section of the Financial Times, Harvard Law School Professor Hal Scott reflects on the past, present, and future of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act on the anniversary of its passage into law.

  • Professor Charles Fried and Professor Gregory Fried

    Fried awarded the 2011 Bruce K. Gould Book Award

    July 21, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Charles Fried and his son, Suffolk University Professor Gregory Fried, have been awarded the 2011 Bruce K. Gould Book Award for “Because it is Wrong: Torture, Privacy, and Presidential Power in the age of Terror” (W.W. Norton &Company 2010).

  • Elizabeth Bartholet

    Child Advocacy Program releases groundbreaking papers on race and child welfare

    July 21, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Bartholet, faculty director of HLS’s Child Advocacy Program, has released two new reports challenging the long-held assumption that racial bias is responsible for the disproportionately high numbers of black children in foster care. 

  • Alma Cohen

    Cohen wins 2011 Robert C. Witt Award

    July 21, 2011

    Alma Cohen, William K. Jacobs Visiting Professor of Law and Economics at Harvard Law School, has won the 2011 Robert C. Witt Award from the American Risk and Insurance Association.  

  • Professor Tribe on the Charlie Rose Show: Fighting for wounded veterans’ rights

    July 18, 2011

    Harvard Law School Professor Laurence H. Tribe ’66 appeared on PBS’s Charlie Rose show July 11 to discuss his participation in Valentini v. Shinseki, a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court by Tribe, Santa Monica City Councilman Bobby Shriver, the ACLU and numerous veteran representatives and advocates against Veterans Administration Secretary Eric K. Shinseki. The lawsuit alleges that the Department of Veterans Affairs is misusing its West Los Angeles VA Campus.