Be sure to scroll through this page to see all of the amazing ways HLS Staff contributed to Culture Fest 2022!
Land Acknowledgement
The HLS Staff Culture Fest Committee recognizes that the land HLS is situated on is the traditional and ancestral homelands of the Massachusett tribe. We acknowledge that these peoples and many others were forcefully removed and that this University’s occupation is fundamentally tied to colonial development. We acknowledge that the consequences of this removal continue to affect these Indigenous communities. We offer our gratitude for the land and her people as we learn, teach, work, and commune. We encourage you to learn more about the history of the land.

Culture Fest Cookbook
Check out our Culture Fest Cookbook! See all of the amazing recipes that our staff submitted that reflect aspects of their culture and lived experienc
Marie Von Kampen, Hospitality & Events Services
My art is interconnected through my Japanese-German ethnicity, hometown, identity, and experiences. Like my parents, I have always enjoyed doing things with my hands. Growing up in a rural Mississippi community, it was easier to keep me occupied by exploring nature or arts and crafts. It was not until after college that I started to pursue classes to study more about the mediums I was interested in learning. I found printmaking and carving through a friend, and my father later told me it was something my grandfather dabbled in, which was nice to learn since I had never met him. There are many printmaking and ceramic art forms in Japanese culture, so I have always been drawn to them. Losing access to print studio space because of the pandemic, I reconnected with some of my first loves: photography and alternate processes. My mother and uncle are both outstanding, self-taught photographers, so I think I learned from them in my early years. After the pandemic started, I decided to brush up on my digital photography skills and learn more about the alternate-printmaking side of photography. I still prefer film, but digital photography allows for more flexibility, especially when working on specific projects. I am excited about my first published photography book coming out in late May 2022.

Debbie Ginsberg, HLS Library
When I was younger, I started to pursue working in art, and even got an art degree, but in the end, I found a home in the library. I love drawing my iPad because I can take it anywhere and draw at any time. These two drawings are from the two big vacations my family took after my dad died (HLS LLM 1974). The first was to London, and the second to Paris. We were going to go to Amsterdam in 2020, but then COVID hit – maybe some other year?

Caryn Shelton-May, Faculty Support Services
Caryn and her wife wrote this song about Caryn’s family, particularly their parents and sisters.
“They were my first teammates and love ones and because of these relationships, my love expanded to others in the world. The distance between us brought on by the pandemic inspired this musical expression.”

Culture Fest Playlist
Listen to our Culture Fest Playlist made up of songs submitted by all of you!
Poetry & Prose
Read Desne’s Stories
Desne Cresley, Development
Desne shares short stories she has written about her family’s experience in America
Read Daryl’s poems
Daryl Muranaka, FSS
Read John’s poems
John Silano, Alumni Relations
John shares some of his personal poems
Read Clementina’s poem
Ana Sibrian Zepeda, Legal Aide Bureau
Ana shares a poem by Honduran poet, Clementina Suarez, who was the first woman in Honduras to publish a book. She is considered the matriarch of Honduran poetry. This poem is significant to Ana because she was born in Honduras, and Ana provides a description and English translation as well.
Read Wendy’s poems
Wendy Moore, FSS
Wendy adds to her limericks from last year about the experience with HLS and COVID
Storytelling Workshop
In our Storytelling Workshop 3 HLS Colleagues presented their stories and poems from their culture. Desne Crossley shared two of her own short stories. Sama ElBannan shared a poem about the war in Ukraine. John Silano shared four of his own poems.
Culture Fest Committee
Chardina Choate, Development
Sama ElBannan (Founder), Harvard Defenders
Molly Flash, Faculty Support Services
Tracy Lefferdink, Development
Matilda Matovu, Office of Community Engagement, Equity & Belonging
Dianne Ribeirinha-Braga, Facilities
Xia Rondeau, Berkman Klein Center
Supported by Gloria Alonzo, Melani Baez, and Edgar Filho from Human Resources
If you have any questions about the HLS Staff Culture Fest, please reach out to Sama ElBannan (