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Exam Emergencies

During the exam period, you may reach immediate exam help for urgent issues by calling 617-495-0722 and pressing “1” for exam support.  This service will be available Friday, January 24, 7:30am EDT to 6:30pm EDT.

You can use this service any time before/during/or after a takehome exam.

For in-class exams, reach out to this phone number if you are experiencing issues prior to your exam. During an in-class exam, students should immediately inform the proctors located in the exam room if there is an urgent issue.

If you are calling outside of the covered business hours, please leave a message and you will be contacted by the appropriate office as soon as possible.

Please review the information below for more instructions related to specific circumstances.

What do I do if….?

  • I am sick
    1. If you are sick before an exam, DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR START YOUR EXAM.  Contact the Dean of Students Office right away to let them know that you won’t be taking the exam as scheduled.  Email
    2. For a takehome exam: stop your exam, make note of the time, and call the number above IMMEDIATELY to be connected with a member of the Dean of Students Office.  If it is outside of service hours, leave a message and you will be contacted as soon as possible for guidance on completing your exam.
    3. For an in-class exam: If you become ill during an in-class exam, inform the proctor immediately.  The proctor will contact the Registrar’s Office or the Dean of Students Office.  You may be asked to visit the HUHS Clinic in Pound Hall.
  • I have a personal emergency
    1. If your exam has not yet started, contact the Dean of Students Office to discuss options by emailing
    2. If you have an emergency during your takehome exam, stop your exam, make note of the time, and call the number above to be connected with a member of the Dean of Students Office. If it is outside of service hours, leave a message and you will be contacted as soon as possible for guidance on completing your exam.
  • My computer froze or malfunctioned during my takehome exam

    If you experience computer issues while taking a takehome exam, stop your exam, make note of the time, and contact the number above to be connected with a member of the Registrar’s Office for assistance. If it is outside of service hours, leave a message to document the issue.  If you are able to resolve the issue, email once you are ready resume your exam.  You may refer to the Exam4 Recovery Procedures.

    If you experience computer issues during an in-class exam, inform a proctor immediately.

  • I don’t see my takehome questions

    Takehome questions do not immediately appear in the Exam4 software.  They must be downloaded from the Exam4 website.  Your exam clock begins once you download the questions.

  • I can’t submit my takehome exam
    1. If you are unable to submit your exam through Exam4 during service hours, call the number above IMMEDIATELY to be connected with  Registrar’s Office.  You will be provided assistance with submittal.
    2. If you are unable to submit your exam through Exam4 outside of service hours, save a local copy by choosing “save as”, and email that file to