David Shapiro
In Memoriam: Daniel J. Meltzer ’75
May 26, 2015
Daniel J. Meltzer '75, a renowned legal scholar and expert on federal courts and criminal procedure, and a valued legal advisor to President Barack Obama ’91, died on May 24, after a courageous battle with cancer. Meltzer was the Story Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where he served on the faculty since 1982.
Carrying the Tea Party Banner
October 1, 2012
U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz calls for a “return to the framers’ vision of a constitutionally limited government”
David L. Shapiro ’57
July 23, 2006
David Shapiro represents the true Renaissance man of legal academia. He has been a scholar, reformer, advocate, public servant and teacher, and at every turn, he has been a leader and model of excellence. There is much in his brilliant career to celebrate.
Leaving the stage
July 23, 2006
Imagine for a moment a lawsuit involving, as so many of them do, a dispute over accounting practices. Now add some complex questions of federal jurisdiction and procedure. Then assume that the parties decide—wisely—to settle. As the saying goes, “Who you gonna call?”
Once more, with feeling
September 1, 2005
For decades, negotiators have struggled to "separate the people from the problem," one of the cardinal rules set forth in the seminal book "Getting to Yes." But what if the people are the problem--or at least appear to be?
Faculty Pro Bono, Four Takes
September 1, 2005
When Professor Elizabeth Bartholet ’65 spoke at a conference on international adoption in Guatemala City early this year, she addressed a room full of activists, lawyers and politicians. But at the heart of her speech, and her pro bono advocacy, are children–living in institutions or foster care around the world.
Teaching Lessons
July 1, 2002
Guided by their professors, students find HLS a training ground for academic careers.