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Disciplinary Perspectives & Law

  • Introduction: On Legal Theory and Jewish History

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, Introduction: On Legal Theory and Jewish History, 112 Jewish Q. Rev. 601 (2022).

  • Staring into a Black Hole

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, Staring into a Black Hole, Pushkin (May 26, 2019).

  • How Socialism Was Weaponized

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, How Socialism Was Weaponized, Pushkin (May 19, 2019).

  • The History of the White Power Movement

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, The History of the White Power Movement, Pushkin (May 5, 2019).

  • Is Merit Real?

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, Is Merit Real?, Pushkin (Apr. 23, 2019).

  • This Is the Story of How Lincoln Broke the U.S. Constitution

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, This Is the Story of How Lincoln Broke the U.S. Constitution, N.Y. Times, Nov. 2, 2021.

  • The Battle Over Scalia’s Legacy

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, The Battle Over Scalia’s Legacy, N.Y. Rev. Books, Dec. 17, 2020, at 67 (reviewing Antonin Scalia, The Essential Scalia: On the Constitution, the…

  • The Arab Winter: A Tragedy

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, The Arab Winter: A Tragedy (Princeton Univ. Press, 2020).

  • On “It Can’t Happen Here”

    January 25, 2024

    Noah Feldman, On “It Can’t Happen Here”, in Can It Happen Here?: Authoritarianism in America 157 (Cass R. Sunstein ed., 2018).

  • The God Factor

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, The God Factor, Wash. Post Book World, May 14, 2006, at T04 (reviewing Madeline Albright, The Mighty and the Almighty: Reflections on…

  • Power Struggle, Tribal Conflict Or Religious War?

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Vali Nasr, James Fearon & Juan Cole, Power Struggle, Tribal Conflict Or Religious War?, Time, Mar. 6, 2006, at 25.

  • Not in the Heavens

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Not in the Heavens, New Republic, Feb. 20, 2006, at 21 (reviewing Jay Alan Sekulow, Witnessing Their Faith: Religious Influence On Supreme…

  • Not the Case

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Not the Case, N.Y. Times Mag., Jan. 7, 2007, at 13.

  • Out of One, Many

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Out of One, Many, N.Y. Times Book Rev., July 30, 2006, at 8 (reviewing Fouad Ajami, The Foreigner’s Gift: The Americans, the…

  • Take It on Faith

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Take It on Faith, N.Y. Times Book Rev., Dec. 16, 2007,
    at 14 (reviewing John J. DiIulio, Jr., Godly Republic: A…

  • Choosing a Sect

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Choosing a Sect, N.Y. Times Mag., Mar. 4, 2007, at 13.

  • Democratosis

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Democratosis, N.Y. Times Mag., Oct. 7, 2007, at 11.

  • Why Shariah?

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Why Shariah?, N.Y. Times Mag., Mar. 16, 2008, at 46.

  • Universal Faith

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Universal Faith, N.Y. Times Mag., Aug. 26, 2007, at 13.

  • Islam, Terror and the Second Nuclear Age

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Islam, Terror and the Second Nuclear Age, N.Y. Times Mag., Oct. 29, 2006, at 50.

  • Orthodox Paradox

    January 25, 2024

    Noah R. Feldman, Orthodox Paradox, N.Y. Times Mag., July 22, 2007, at 40.