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Legal Theory & Philosophy

  • The Thin Line

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, The Thin Line, New Republic, May 21, 2007, at 51 (reviewing Philip Zimbardo, The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil…

  • On Philosophy and Economics

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, On Philosophy and Economics, 19 Quinnipiac L. Rev . 333 (2000).

  • American Advice and New Constitutions

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, American Advice and New Constitutions, 1 Chi. J. Int’l L. 173 (2000).

  • Second-Order Decisions

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein & Edna Ullmann-Margalit, Second-Order Decisions, in Behavioral Law and Economics 187 (Cass R. Sunstein ed., 2000).

  • Incommensurability and Kinds of Valuation: Some Applications in Law

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, Incommensurability and Kinds of Valuation: Some Applications in Law, in Incommensurability: Incomparability, and Practical Reasoning 234 (Ruth Chang ed., 1997).

  • From Theory to Practice

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, From Theory to Practice, 29 Ariz. St. L.J. 389 (1997).

  • On Legal Theory and Legal Practice

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, On Legal Theory and Legal Practice, in Nomos XXXVII: Theory and Practice 267 (Ian Shapiro & Judith Wagner DeCew eds., 1995).

  • On Finding Facts

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, On Finding Facts, in Questions of Evidence: Proof, Practice, and Persuasion Across the Disciplines 189 (James Chandler, Arnold Davidson & Harry Harootunian…

  • On the Wrongness of Lies

    January 25, 2024

    Cass Sunstein, On the Wrongness of Lies, 33 Nat’l L. Sch. India Rev. 57 (2021).

  • Disrupting Voluntary Transactions

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, Disrupting Voluntary Transactions, 31 Nomos: Markets and Justice 279 (1989).

  • Voluntary Agreements

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, Voluntary Agreements, 28 J. Econ. Methodology 401 (2021).

  • The Siren of Selfishness

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, The Siren of Selfishness, N.Y. Rev. Books, Apr. 9, 2020, at 33 (reviewing Lisa Duggan, Mean Girl: Ayn Rand and the Culture…

  • Behavioral Welfare Economics

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, Behavioral Welfare Economics, 11 J. Benefit-Cost Analysis 196 (2020).

  • On Freedom

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, On Freedom (2019).

  • The Power of the Normal

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, The Power of the Normal (Aug. 21, 2018).

  • Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict, 2nd ed.

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict (Oxford Univ. Press 2nd ed., 2018).

  • Normal Rationality Decisions and Social Order

    January 25, 2024

    Normal Rationality: Decisions and Social Order (Edna Ullmann-Margalit, Cass R. Sunstein & Avishai Margalit eds., 2017).

  • Moral Commitments in Cost-Benefit Analysis

    January 25, 2024

    Eric A. Posner & Cass R. Sunstein, Moral Commitments in Cost-Benefit Analysis, 103 Va. L. Rev. 1809 (2017).

  • How Do We Know What’s Moral?

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, How Do We Know What’s Moral?, N.Y. Rev. Books, Apr. 24, 2014, at 14 (reviewing David Edmonds, Would You Kill the Fat…

  • An Original Thinker of Our Time

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, An Original Thinker of Our Time, N.Y. Rev. Books, May 23, 2013, at 14 (reviewing Jeremy Adelman, Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of…

  • John & Harriet: Still Mysterious

    January 25, 2024

    Cass R. Sunstein, John & Harriet:  Still Mysterious, 62 N.Y. Rev. Books, Apr. 2, 2015, at 67 (reviewing Friedrich Hayek, Hayek on Mill: The Mill-Taylor Friendship…