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The S.J.D. Alumni Database & Map

The Graduate Program has partnered with the Harvard Law School Alumni Center to create a searchable database and map of S.J.D. alumni all over the world. The S.J.D. Alumni Database and Map are hosted on HLS Amicus, a community building tool and online alumni directory.

Through HLS Amicus, you will be able to search for and view the profiles of current S.J.D. students and S.J.D. alumni who have agreed to participate. You will also be able to send direct messages to participants and update your own profile at your leisure.

The information included in the database and on the map are password protected and accessible only to current S.J.D. students and alumni who have agreed to participate. Please do not share this information with anyone outside the S.J.D. community.

This is a work-in-progress and we welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Please send them to Rebecca Russell.

Instructions for Accessing the S.J.D. Alumni Database & Map

For quick access, sign in to the S.J.D. Alumni Database & Map with your HarvardKey credentials. If this is your first time accessing HLS Amicus, please follow the instructions below.

Logging in to HLS Amicus for the first time – Alumni

Before you can begin using HLS Amicus, you must claim your HarvardKey. If you have yet to claim your HarvardKey, contact the HLS HarvardKey support line at 617-495-5631 or HLS Alumni Records at

You will also need to read and accept the HLS Amicus terms and conditions to learn about proper use of the system. You will be asked to agree to the terms set forth in the policy to complete your registration process.

Accessing the S.J.D. Alumni Database and Map

Once you have your HarvardKey you can sign in here: Click “Sign In via HarvardKey.” You will be prompted to enter your HarvardKey Login Name and Password and complete your Two-Step Verification process.

If you have previously agreed to join the S.J.D. Alumni Database & Map, upon logging in to Amicus, select “S.J.D. Database and Map” in the crimson horizontal navigation bar at the top of the screen. This will bring you to the S.J.D. Database and Map program homepage.

If this is your first time joining the S.J.D. Alumni Database & Map:

  1. Upon logging in to Amicus, select “Alumni Directory” in the crimson horizontal navigation bar at the top of the screen. One the Alumni Directory page, you will see an announcement regarding the S.J.D. Database and Map program.
  2. Click on the button which reads, “Sign me up to be part of the database.” This will take you to a registration page, where under “Begin New Registration,” you can click the button, “S.J.D. Alumni.”
  3. This will open the S.J.D. Alumni Registration form. It will prompt you to enter basic personal details, like your current organization, job title, city, and country,* to get started (you can update your profile later to add additional details if you so choose). We also encourage you to make selections under “Legal Academic Area of Interest,” towards the bottom of the form.
    You can also change what is visible to other users; simply toggle the visibility button on the right side of the screen next to each information section. When the button is green and reads “Visible,” the information in that section is visible to other users. To hide your information, click the “Visible” button and it will toggle to “Private” (in red). Press it again to reverse.
    * These required fields are marked with asterisks. The other fields are optional.
  4. When you have finished filling in your details, scroll to the bottom of the form where you will see a privacy acknowledgement notice. If you agree, check the acknowledgement box and click “Submit” to finish enrolling.

Once you join the program for the first time, you will be automatically added to the searchable Database. We will periodically pull reports on new registrations in the Database and then add their profiles to the Map. If you are new to the Database and would like to be added to the Map right away, please write to Rebecca Russell (

To view the searchable database, click “Search” from the menu on the left side of the screen.

To view the map, click the map graphic on the S.J.D. Alumni Database and Map homepage. Be sure to enter the password, written directly above the map graphic on the homepage.

REMINDER: Please do not share the information on this map or database (including the password) with anyone outside the S.J.D. community.

Updating Your Profile

If you wish to make changes to your profile, click on your name below your photo on the left side of the screen on the S.J.D. Database and Map homepage. This will bring you to a page that reads, “Personal Information.” Click the “Edit” button to make changes to your information, or click “Preview Profile,” to see what information others in the database can see about you.

When editing, you can also change what is visible to other users; simply toggle the visibility button on the right side of the screen next to each information section. When the button is green and reads “Visible,” the information in that section is visible to other users. To hide your information, click the “Visible” button and it will toggle to “Private” (in red). Press it again to reverse.

Note: We will periodically pull reports on updates made to the information in the Database and then make updates to the information included in Map. If there is information in the Map that urgently needs to be updated, please write to Rebecca Russell (

Tips for Searching the S.J.D. Database

  • In the left navigation on the S.J.D. Database and Map homepage, you have the option within “Search” to select either “Keyword Search” or “Browse All”. Search provides the opportunity to filter down directory listings based on specific search criteria and Browse All will return all students within the database.
  • To begin your search, click on “Search” on the left-hand menu of your home page. Select “Keyword Search” and you will begin a new search. Choose what field you would like to search on from the first drop-down menu (keyword, location, section, name, and many other options) and then enter a search term in the in the middle field. You can then select the importance of that search term from required to not very important; you can even select “excluded” to have it omit records with that search term. Search results will include anything with the search term as part of a word. For example, if you search for Anna, it will return all Annas as well as Johannas and Hannahs.
  • By hitting the “Add Criterion” button you can add additional search terms to refine your results.
  • To remove a search criterion, you can click on the “-” (minus sign) at the end of the row and that option will be removed.
  • The results screen will display an individual’s photo, first and last name, program, class year, and section as well as the results of your search. For additional profile information, click on the “View Full Profile” button on the right side of the screen.
  • If you’d like to keep track of specific individuals, you can select “Save to My Contacts” by clicking on the “View Full Profile” drop-down. You can then view all of your saved contacts by clicking on the “Saved Contacts” link in the left navigation.
  • The system will not know nicknames that were not supplied or part of an individual’s name. For instance, if someone is entered at “Robert” the system will not find them as “Bob” unless they have included that as part of their profile.
  • Once you have the results, you can sort them by match %, first name, or last name and then select the results to appear in ascending or descending order.
  • In general, the fewer search criteria you enter, the more results you will get; the more criteria you provide, the more you will narrow your results.