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Maroussia Lévesque

Lecturer on Law

Spring 2025

Maroussia Levesque
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Maroussia is a doctoral candidate at Harvard Law School, an affiliate at the Berkman Klein Center, a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation, and a member of the Abundant Intelligences Artificial Intelligence working group.

She investigates policy frameworks applicable to emerging digital technologies to elucidate who stands to win and lose from uncertainties and neglected gaps in legacy-era analog regimes and from technology-specific regulation and governance arrangements. Building on previous work on AI and human rights at Global Affairs Canada, she currently researches AI governance. Her academic work focuses on the various nascent legal regimes with a focus on European, American and Canadian regulation. It is informed by collaborating with Amnesty International on AI regulation, and engaging with Canadian policymakers on AI regulation, both in consultations and thru public-facing commentary, op-eds, panels, interviews, and a brief to Parliament.

Maroussia previously participated to a public inquiry commission investigating law enforcement’s electronic surveillance practices and the implications on the protection of journalistic sources, and contributed to IEEE’s standard on algorithmic bias. Before focusing on law and technology, she clerked for the Chief Justice at the Quebec Court of Appeal and volunteered in Haiti, Brazil (Alternatives), and in various refugee organizations. She is a member of the Quebec Bar.


  • LL.M. Harvard Law School, 2020
  • J.D./B.C.L. McGill University, 2012
  • B.F.A Concordia University, 2007