Gabriella Blum
Rita E. Hauser Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Vice Dean for the Graduate Program and International Legal Studies
Gabriella Blum is the Rita E. Hauser Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at Harvard Law School, specializing in public international law, international negotiations, the law of armed conflict, and counterterrorism. She is also the Faculty Director of the Program on International Law and Armed Conflict (PILAC) and a member of the Program on Negotiation Executive Board.
Prior to joining the Harvard faculty in the fall of 2005, Blum served for seven years as a Senior Legal Advisor in the International Law Department of the Military Advocate General’s Corps in the Israel Defense Forces, and for another year, as a Strategy Advisor to the Israeli National Security Council.
Blum is a graduate of Tel-Aviv University (LL.B. (’95), B.A. (Economics) (’97)) and of Harvard Law School (LL.M. (’01) and SJD (’03)).
Blum is the author of Islands of Agreement: Managing Enduring Armed Rivalries, (Harvard University Press, 2007), Laws, Outlaws, and Terrorists (MIT Press, 2010) (co-authored with Philip Heymann and recipient of the Roy C. Palmer Civil Liberties Prize), and of The Future of Violence: Robots and Germs, Hackers and Drones – Confronting a New Age of Threat (Basic Books, 2015) (co-authored with Benjamin Wittes and recipient of the Roy C. Palmer Civil Liberties Prize) as well as of journal articles in the fields of public international law and the law and morality of war.
- S.J.D. Law Harvard Law School, 2003
- LL.M. Law Harvard Law School, 2001
- B.A. Economics Tel-Aviv University, 1996
- LL.B. Law Tel-Aviv University, 1995
Representative Publications
Gabriella Blum, The Dispensable Lives of Soldiers, 2 J. Legal Analysis 69 (2010). -
Gabriella Blum, Islands of Agreement: Managing Enduring Armed Rivalries (Harv. Univ. Press 2007).
View all Representative Publications by Gabriella Blum
Recent Publications
- Gabriella Blum, The Shadow of Success: How International Criminal Law Has Come to Shape the Battlefield, 100 Int'l L. Stud. 133 (2023).
- Gabriella Blum & John C. P. Goldberg, The Unable or Unwilling Doctrine: A View From Private Law, 63 Harvard Int'l L.J. 63 (2022).
- Dustin A. Lewis, Naz K. Modirzadeh & Gabriella Blum, Quantum of Silence: Inaction and Jus ad Bellum (Harv. L. Sch. Program on Int’l L. & Armed Conflict (PILAC), July 16, 2019).