OPIA’s To EIP or Not: Community Conversation
February 15, 2024
6:25 pm - 7:15 pm
This event has passed
OPIA Office - WCC 4039
As a follow-on to our Deciding Whether EIP is Right for Me program, gather with other public-interest-minded students in a judgment-free space to discuss the decision to participate in EIP. Whether you are on the fence about participating, or do not plan on participating, join others who may be considering similar factors — from finances to family expectations to FOMO.
Dinner provided.
Audience: This event is geared towards 1Ls who are considering whether to participate in the private sector Early Interview Program (EIP).
If you or an event participant requires disability-related accommodations, please contact HLS Accessibility Services at accessibility@law.harvard.edu two weeks in advance of the event.
Bookings are no longer available for this event.