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A student poses in a London telephone booth
Hina Uddin '24

Ensuring student safety is an institutional priority for Harvard Law School. Therefore, HLS has a set of required procedures for students undertaking international travel in relation to activities for which they receive HLS academic credit and/or Harvard funding. These international travel procedures are designed to protect students’ well-being and enable the university to provide tailored medical and security information and assistance prior to and during trips. As well, keeping track of student travel and projects abroad helps HLS better serve members of the community by facilitating connections among students and with organizations, and by securing and maintaining donor support for international initiatives.

We expect that all HLS students will follow the School’s international travel procedures and meet the requirements of sponsoring programs for projects abroad.  Failure to do so in the specified timeframe may lead to revocation of funding or a student being deemed ineligible to apply for future HLS funding for projects abroad (those that would be conducted while enrolled at HLS and/or post-graduate fellowships). Actions deemed to be departures from generally accepted standards of integrity could result in referral to the HLS Administrative Board.

International Travel Requirements

All HLS students who are traveling abroad under HLS auspices—for HLS academic credit and/or with Harvard funding—must fulfill the four requirements listed below prior to travel.  Beyond the steps required for all HLS student travelers, there are additional requirements for students traveling under HLS auspices to high-risk areas.

HLS students should also review Harvard’s Graduate and Professional Student International Travel Policy.

Required Steps

Register the trip in the International SOS MyTrips platform

Registration is required for all students traveling under Harvard auspices (that is, trips funded or arranged by the Law School or other parts of the University or resulting in academic credit) and strongly recommended for everyone. Registering enables the University to locate people quickly and provide assistance in the event of an emergency.

Students must create a profile in MyTrips, initially using their Harvard email address; students can then add an additional preferred email address to their profile. After creating their MyTrips profile, students can enter their trip details manually or forward their confirmed bookings to Entries should include the complete period of time abroad, including travel before, during, and after the primary program/project under Harvard auspices, and students should make sure the information stays up-to-date throughout travel.

Review, sign, and return the appropriate Assumption of Risk form to the sponsoring program at HLS

Harvard University requires students traveling abroad to review, sign, and submit an Assumption of Risk form, which also includes emergency contact information. There are three different forms, each designed for a certain type of international travel. Students should carefully review the form descriptions to select the appropriate form for their travel.

Please note:  to sign these forms electronically, you may need to create and save a “digital ID.”  To do this, download the form to your computer, click on the “Signed” field, and follow the steps to “Configure a new ID,” “Create a new Digital ID,” and “Save to File,” then add the ID you created to the field.

Attend an information session and complete the online orientation

Students traveling during Winter Term or during the summer, for HLS academic credit and/or with Harvard funding, must also:

  1. Attend a mandatory international travel information session.  For travel during summer 2025, these sessions will be held on Wednesday, April 9 at 12:20 p.m. in WCC, Milstein West B and on Thursday, April 10 at 12:20 p.m., in WCC, Room 2012. (The session will be offered twice; students need only attend one of them.) For travel during Winter Term, these sessions are held in November (details about exact dates, times and locations will be posted here).
  2. Complete the Global Support Services on-line orientation. This training session must be completed once per academic year.

Examine Harvard’s travel risk ratings to ensure that travel is permissible

Review Harvard’s Global Support Services’ travel risk ratings, and seek necessary reviews as specified below.

Students who are considering travel to an area that is categorized as high risk, during the period of the program/project under Harvard auspices, must both:

  1. Complete and submit the Questionnaire for Graduate Student Travel at least 30 days in advance* of the expected travel date (access to the document requires a HarvardKey log-in).
  2. Consult with a member of the Global Support Services safety and security team if requested to do so by GSS or HLS’ International Legal Studies.

These steps are required in order to obtain clearance for travel in conjunction with courses or clinics as well as independent travel, and apply for the duration of the placement or project abroad. Please be aware that HLS may advise against—and may even withhold support for—travel that is deemed to pose excessive risk.

* In the event that circumstances beyond a student’s control do not allow for at least 30 days’ advance notice, the student should contact International Legal Studies and provide a detailed explanation. If circumstances warrant, ILS will request an expedited review.

Health, Safety, and Other Planning

Harvard Law School students traveling abroad for academic or professional reasons are covered by Harvard University’s International SOS membership. International SOS provides 24-hour worldwide emergency medical and security assistance and evacuation services. Please note that this program is a supplement to, not a substitute for, health insurance.

Be sure to review our Health and Safety and Planning and Precautions pages for the information you’ll need before and during your travels. Our Passports and Visas page also contains helpful information.

Additional Considerations for International Students

Unlike U.S. citizens and permanent residents, international students at HLS may face difficulties when traveling abroad and returning to the U.S. during their studies. Before making a commitment to travel outside the U.S., international students should carefully review the travel information provided by the Harvard International Office (HIO), and speak to an HIO advisor.

Contacts and Resources

These offices and contacts may be helpful as you explore the many frameworks for travel abroad, including study abroad, clinical projects, independent research and writing projects, summer public interest internships, law firm summer associateships, student organization trips, and faculty-led courses.

  • HLS Faculty
  • Research Programs and Centers
  • International Legal Studies (ILS)

    International Legal Studies

    During the academic year, Sara Zucker holds office hours on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 11:30 am and Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:00 pm in Wasserstein 5005.  Office hours are a chance for students to ask questions or consult about their plans, and are held on a drop-in basis; no appointment is needed.  In addition, Sara is happy to meet with students at other mutually convenient times, either in person or over Zoom.  To schedule a meeting outside of regular office hours, please email her at

  • Office of Career Services (OCS)
  • Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs

    Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs

  • Office of Public Interest Advising (OPIA)

    Office of Public Interest Advising

  • Global Support Services

    In addition to taking the mandatory steps listed above, take time to explore the travel tools provided on the Harvard Global Support Services website. The site offers links to a broad range of information and resources, updates on immigration changes and airline rules, and advice ranging from traveling with medications to apps to make your life easier while you are abroad.

    Before you travel, the International Safety & Security team can provide guidance regarding safety in general, as well as concerns specific to your destination’s culture, your reason for travel, and your background, gender, race, sexual orientation, or gender-identity. Contact to set up a consultation.