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Latest from Lizz Riggs

  • Shaina Wamsley ’14

    HLS Student wins 2014 Law Student Ethics Award

    April 11, 2014

    Harvard Law School’s Legal Services Center student, Shaina Wamsley J.D. ’14, will receive the 2014 Law Student Ethics Award from the Northeast Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel.

  • Gasser appointed to Global Commission on Internet Governance’s new Research Advisory Network

    April 4, 2014

    Harvard Law School Professor of Practice Urs Gasser LL.M. ’03 is among the twenty-five distinguished scholars and internationally recognized experts appointed to the Global Commission on Internet Governance’s (GCIG) new Research Advisory Network (RAN).

  • Two women posing together with marine life puppets, sailor hats, and a life preserver

    “All bids on deck” at the 2014 Public Interest Auction

    April 3, 2014

    A $400 shopping spree. A Silicon Valley tour of Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn and Facebook. Dinner and “Dungeons and Dragons.” A limited edition Ruth Bader Ginsburg…

  • Juveniles in Justice book cover: a 12-year-old juvenile in his windowless cell at Harrison County Juvenile Detention Center in Biloxi, Mississippi

    Juvenile in Justice: HLS hosts photo exhibit by Richard Ross (video)

    March 28, 2014

    Nearly 70,000 young people in the United States are held by law in detention or correctional facilities that treat, confine, punish, assist and, occasionally, harm…

  • Nancy Gertner

    Nancy Gertner receives the Margaret Brent Lawyers of Achievement Award

    March 18, 2014

    Harvard Law School Professor of Practice Nancy Gertner has been selected as a recipient of the 2014 Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Award, established by the ABA Commission on the Status of Women in the Profession.

  • Dean Minow delivers reconciliation lecture in South Africa (video)

    March 6, 2014

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow gave the Third Annual Reconciliation Lecture at the University of the Free State in South Africa on Feb. 24. The speech, titled “Forgiveness, Law and Justice,” focused on forgiveness of people, societies and nations and the role the law plays in helping reconciliation after a wrongdoing.

  • Preet Bharara and Mindy Kaling are Harvard Law School’s 2014 Class Day Speakers

    March 5, 2014

    Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Mindy Kaling, actress, comedian and writer, were selected as this year’s speakers for the Class Day ceremonies at Harvard Law School.

  • The newest justice, in august company

    September 1, 2005

    John G. Roberts Jr. '79 is the first graduate of Harvard Law School to become chief justice of the United States.

  • Building Vision

    September 1, 2004

    Designed for "modern scholarly living," the Harkness Commons has been the place on campus to get together after class, grab a cup of coffee or get a bite to eat since it opened with great fanfare in 1950.

  • Archibald Cox in his office at HLS

    Lessons in Courage

    July 1, 2004

    Professor Archibald Cox, 1912-2004, taught the nation what it means to be true to one's principles. Professor Emeritus Archibald Cox '37 died on May 29 at age 92. Tenured at Harvard Law School in 1946, he taught generations of students torts, administrative and constitutional law.

  • Nazi defendants in the first of the 13 Nuremberg war crimes trials on Nov. 11, 1945.

    Documenting Nuremberg

    April 1, 2004

    HLS Library digitizes more than 1 million pages of Nuremberg Trial documents

  • Woman in a crowd of men

    Lady in Waiting

    July 1, 2003

    A lone woman joins a line of men in Langdell Hall to register for the start of the 1954-55 school year.

  • A Man of Letters

    A Man of Letters

    April 1, 2003

    John Knox LL.M. '36 was not short on confidence. "My name will survive as long as man survives," he wrote while an HLS student, "because I am writing the greatest diary that has ever been written."

  • The Stuff That Elections Are Made Of

    September 1, 2002

    HLS students fill envelopes for Thomas J. O'Connor Jr., a Democratic candidate for U.S. senator from Massachusetts in 1960. Though O'Connor lost, student Democrats got to cheer some winners that year--including Senator John F. Kennedy, who spoke via telephone to an overflow crowd in Sanders Theatre during his campaign for president, according to the HLS yearbook.

  • David Erne with fugitive Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic

    Freelance Diplomat

    September 1, 2002

    In 30 years of practicing law, corporate bankruptcy attorney David Erne '68 had been in many negotiations--but none like this one.

  • Robert

    Man of Steel

    September 1, 2002

    When Robert "Steve" Miller Jr. '66 got a call from Bethlehem Steel's board last year asking him to assume the flagging company's reins as chairman and CEO, he accepted in a matter of hours.

  • Juan Manuel García-Passalacqua

    Talking About a Revolution

    September 1, 2002

    Radio talk show host Juan Manuel García-Passalacqua '62 is urging his listeners--again--to go out and demonstrate. This time it's to stop the U.S. Navy from testing weapons on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques.

  • At Your Service

    July 1, 2002

    Nicole De Sario '03 clears tables after lunch at the CASPAR Emergency Center for the homeless in Cambridge, as part of Harvard Law School's inaugural Springfest Volunteer Service Day on April 20. About 300 students took part in the event, which also included work at the Charles River Earth Day Cleanup, Habitat for Humanity, and the Greater Boston Food Bank.

  • A Swing in Their Step

    April 1, 2002

    Steve Stiglitz '02 and Carrie Campbell '04 twirl around the Hark during a swing dance party in October sponsored by the Ballroom Dance Society of HLS.