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  • Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at HLS

    Briefs: Some memorable moments, milestones and a Miró

    October 1, 2012

    In October 1962, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at Harvard Law School on “The Future of Integration.” It was six months before he would be imprisoned in a Birmingham jail, 10 months before the March on Washington, almost two years before the signing of the Civil Rights Act and almost six years before his assassination. “It may be that the law cannot make a man love me,” he said, “but it can keep him from lynching me.”

  • Illustration

    HLS Authors: Selected alumni books

    October 1, 2012

    “Client Science: Advice for Lawyers on Counseling Clients through Bad News and Other Legal Realities,” by Marjorie Corman Aaron ’81 (Oxford). No one likes to deliver bad news—attorneys included. But oftentimes providing honest and difficult advice is a crucial part of the job, and Aaron offers her own advice on how best to do it.

  • Joseph Story

    A Man of Letters: Joseph Story (1779-1845)

    October 1, 2012

    Digitized materials give new perspective on a storied figure Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story not only became Dane Professor at Harvard Law School while serving…

  • Crossword Puzzle

    Levin’s Crossing

    October 1, 2012

    Donna Levin ’83 writes that she “abandoned the tranquillity of life as a litigator to join the fast-paced world of crossword construction.” This is her first puzzle for the Harvard Law Bulletin, but since 2005, approximately 250 of her puzzles have been published by major newspapers around the country.

  • Solution to Crossword Puzzle

    October 1, 2012

  • Book Jacket

    Recent Faculty Books – Fall 2012

    October 1, 2012

    Professor Einer Elhauge ’86 is author of the e-book “Obamacare On Trial” (Edward Elgar), focused on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act case decided by the Supreme Court in June. Elhauge raises points that were not aired in the courtroom, including the fact that the constitutional framers themselves had approved mandates to buy health insurance.

  • Getting Oriented

    October 1, 2012

    A beautiful September day, and the latest crop of Harvard Law students begins to get the lay of the land. This year’s students include entrepreneurs,…

  • Klarman seeks to debunk myths on the Constitution’s founding

    September 27, 2012

    At a Sept. 19 event commemorating the signing of the U.S. Constitution, Harvard Law School Professor Michael Klarman, an expert on constitutional law and constitutional history, gave a lecture entitled "Why the Tea Party Has It Wrong: The Story of a Multifaceted Founding."

  • HLS competing in 2012 election races

    September 27, 2012

    As two Harvard Law School grads compete for the U.S. presidency, the list of HLS affiliates running in congressional races across the country includes 19 alumni and one HLS faculty member. In the U.S. House of Representatives, nine are incumbents and eight are challengers running for the first time.

  • Professor Viet D. Dinh '93

    Viet Dinh ’93 on government, academia and boutique law practice

    September 26, 2012

    Viet D. Dinh '93, founding partner of Bancroft and a professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center, spoke at Harvard Law School on Sept. 18 at an event sponsored by Harvard Law School's Program on the Legal Profession. Dinh, who served as U.S. Assistant Attorney General for Legal Policy from 2001 to 2003 and played a key role in developing legal policy initiatives to combat terrorism, focused his remarks on “Peripatetic Reflections: Government, Academia and Boutique Law Practice."

  • Kagan offers a view of a Justice’s working life

    September 26, 2012

    On Sept. 5, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Elena Kagan ’86 joined Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow for a conversation on life as a Supreme Court Justice. The former and current deans spoke before an overflow audience in the Wasserstein Hall, Caspersen Student Center, Clinical Wing building.

  • Professor Stephen E. Shay

    Shay testifies on Offshore Profit Shifting and the U.S. Tax Code (video)

    September 19, 2012

    On Sept. 20, Harvard Law School Professor Stephen Shay testified before the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The topic of the hearing was “Offshore Profit Shifting and the U.S. Tax Code."

  • Noah Feldman portrait

    Feldman in Bloomberg View: The view from Tunis—fire, tear gas and normalcy

    September 17, 2012

    "The view from Tunis: Fire, tear gas, and normalcy," a piece by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, appeared in Bloomberg View on Sept. 14. Feldman, who is the Bemis Professor of International Law at HLS, is a regular contributor to Bloomberg View and the author of many books, including “Scorpions: The Battles and Triumphs of FDR's Great Justices” (Twelve Books 2010), and “The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State” (Princeton University Press, 2008).  

  • Bryonn Bain

    Bryonn Bain ’01 brings his dynamic style to new Harvard class

    September 17, 2012

    Undergraduates gathered at Farkas Hall last week to audition for a workshop that taps into the power and poetry of language. Harvard’s new dramatic arts offering “Hip Hop and Spoken Word: Theater Performance Laboratory” is being taught by visiting lecturer Bryonn Bain '01, an activist, rapper, poet, and musician.

  • Harvard Law School to receive Ford Foundation Grant for public interest fellowships

    September 13, 2012

    Harvard Law School today announced that the Ford Foundation has committed to fund a new initiative administered by the Bernard Koteen Office of Public Interest Advising, enabling 25 HLS students to work in the field of public interest law in summer 2013.

  • HLS appoints four 2012-2013 Innovation Lab Experts-in-Residence

    September 12, 2012

    Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow has appointed Michael Fertik ’05, Neil Flanzraich ’68, Anthony Scaramucci ’89 and John Williams ’79 as HLS’s Experts-in-Residence (EIRs) for the 2012-2013 academic year, in partnership with the University-wide Harvard Innovation Lab (i-Lab). Williams served as HLS’s inaugural EIR in 2011-2012 and has been reappointed to a second term.

  • HLS Professor Einer Elhauge '86

    Elhauge releases e-book on Obamacare

    September 12, 2012

    Professor Einer Elhauge ‘86 has released an e-book—titled “Obamacare on Trial” —on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act case decided by the Supreme Court. Elhauge raises points that were not aired in the courtroom, including the fact that the constitutional framers themselves had approved mandates to buy health insurance.

  • Young-Joon Mok LL.M. '89

    Justice of the Constitutional Court of Korea speaks at HLS

    September 7, 2012

    Young-Joon Mok LL.M. ’89, a Justice of the Constitutional Court of Korea, spoke at Harvard Law School on “Constitutional Adjudication in the Republic of Korea,” on Tuesday, Sept. 11 at an event sponsored by East Asian Legal Studies, International Legal Studies and the Korea Institute.

  • HLS Professor David Kennedy ’80

    David Kennedy among co-founders of new Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council

    September 7, 2012

    David Kennedy ’80, Harvard Law School’s Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law and director of the Institute for Global Law and Policy, recently joined a team of former political leaders and diplomats from across Asia in founding the new Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council (APRC), which will work to promote peace and reconciliation in the Asian region through quiet diplomacy.

  • HLS Library unveils new Joseph Story Exhibit and Digital Suite

    September 6, 2012

    The Harvard Law School Library has curated a collection of original documents and images from the life, legacy and world of Joseph Story, a lawyer, beloved teacher, prolific author and Supreme Court justice. The new exhibit, “A Storied Legacy: Correspondence and Early Writings of Joseph Story,” is on view in the Caspersen Room, Harvard Law School Library, through December 7, 2012. Complementing and expanding upon the exhibit is a new Joseph Story Digital Suite.

  • Glenn Cohen wearing bright red glasses

    Cohen receives faculty scholar award from Greenwall Foundation

    September 5, 2012

    The Greenwall Foundation has chosen Harvard Law School Assistant Professor I. Glenn Cohen '03, a leading expert on the intersection of bioethics and the law, to receive one of three Faculty Scholar Awards in Bioethics. The award allows recipients to conduct extensive independent research to help set public policy and standards of clinical practice.