Many legal issues have important philosophical dimensions, and Harvard Law School is home to a robust and growing community of scholars and students who focus on issues at the intersection of these two fields. Faculty expertise and course offerings run the gamut from philosophical inquiry into the nature of law in general, to critical engagement with particular areas of law—private law, criminal law, anti-discrimination law, constitutional law, legal interpretation, and more—from philosophically informed points of view. In addition, the Harvard Initiative on Law and Philosophy connects interested faculty, fellows, and students across the university.
From Harvard Law Today
HLS Professors
Scott Brewer
Professor of Law
Ryan D. Doerfler
Professor of Law
Benjamin Eidelson
Professor of Law
Richard H. Fallon
Story Professor of Law
Noah R. Feldman
Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law
John Goldberg
Interim Dean
Christopher Lewis
Assistant Professor of Law
Martha L. Minow
300th Anniversary University Professor
Stephen Sachs
Antonin Scalia Professor of Law
Henry E. Smith
Fessenden Professor of Law
Visiting Professors & Lecturers
Amy Kao
Lecturer on Law
Erin Kelly
Visiting Professor of Law
Michael Mitchell
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Michael Pressman
Lecturer on Law
Adam Sandel
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law
Justine Sheehan
Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law