Post Date: October 4, 2005
On the same day that President Bush nominated his second Supreme Court justice, members of the Harvard Law School faculty assembled in Langdell Hall to examine recent trends on the high Court and speculate about upcoming cases and the beginning of John Robert’s tenure as chief justice.
The “Dean’s Forum” event was moderated by Dean Elena Kagan, a former clerk to Justice Thurgood Marshall, and featured Professors David Barron, Richard Fallon, Martha Field and Charles Fried — all experts in constititional law.
Recent decisions discussed included the controversial Kelo v. Connecticut land use case and the split decision on the use of religious symbols on government property. Looking ahead, the professors cited three cases as particularly noteworthy: the Oregon assisted suicide case, a constitutional challenge to campaign finance reform and the upcoming case on the Solomon Amendment, a law that bars federal funding to universities that restrict military recruiting on campus.
Click here to watch a recorded webcast of this event.