Post Date: September 8, 2004
The Harvard Law School faculty has added three tenured professors to their ranks, a move that will broaden the school’s coverage of different subject areas and bring increased depth and diversity to existing subjects. The additions include two new hires and the promotion of an HLS assistant professor.
“One of the law school’s top priorities right now is expansion of the faculty,” said Dean Elena Kagan. “Our hiring committees worked diligently in the spring to make sure we found and recruited the best scholarly and teaching talent we could find. I know the school will benefit from the wisdom and commitment of these great faculty members.”
David Barron
David Barron joined the faculty as an assistant professor in 1999 and was promoted to professor of law by a vote of the faculty last spring. Barron is an expert in local government law and administrative law. This semester he is teaching Property, and in the spring he will teach Administrative Law. He will also co-teach a seminar with Professor Gerald Frug titled International Local Government Law.
“I am thrilled to be a tenured member of the faculty,” said Barron. “I have loved teaching at HLS these last five years, particularly after having received such a wonderful education here when I was a student. I look forward to continuing to try to do for my own classes what my teachers did for me—convey a sense of just how important, challenging and exciting the study and practice of law can be.”
In addition to receiving his law degree from HLS, Barron earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard College. He has written extensively on urban law, federalism and constitutionalism.
“David Barron is a tremendous addition to the tenured faculty,” said Kagan. “His work in the public law arena is both highly relevant and critically important at a time when different levels of government are becoming increasingly interdependent.”
Jack Goldsmith
A renowned international law expert who served most recently as head of the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, Jack Goldsmith was appointed by the faculty in May. Prior to his federal service, Goldsmith taught law at the University of Chicago and the University of Virginia. He has written extensively on foreign relations law, conflicts of law and regulation of the Internet. This year at HLS, he is teaching Conflicts of Law and Presidential Power.
“Jack Goldsmith is a bold and creative thinker whose scholarship and teaching will enrich the Law School immeasurably,” said Kagan. “His talents and energy will help to ensure that Harvard remains the premiere place to study international and comparative law.”
Goldsmith is a 1989 graduate of Yale Law School and holds degrees from the Hague Academy of International Law and Oxford University. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Washington & Lee University.
“I am thrilled and honored to join the faculty at the Harvard Law School,” said Goldsmith. “There is no better place in the world to study and teach international and foreign relations law.”
John Manning
An expert in administrative law, statutory interpretation and separation of powers law, John F. Manning was recruited from Columbia Law School. He taught at HLS in fall 2003 as a visiting professor. In addition to his academic experience, Manning was assistant to the U.S. solicitor general in the early 1990s.
This semester Manning is teaching Administrative Law, and in the spring he will teach Federal Courts as well as a seminar titled Statutory Interpretation in the Post-New Deal State.
“I am delighted to join the Harvard Law School,” said Manning. “The faculty is extraordinary, and the student body is extremely bright and interesting. In my experience, it is an exceptionally stimulating atmosphere in which to teach and write.”
In addition to receiving his J.D. from HLS, Manning graduated from Harvard College in 1982 with a degree in history. He received the Newcomen Prize for Best Senior Thesis in Material History.
“John Manning will add depth and strength to our public law group,” said Kagan. “His scholarship on statutory interpretation has proved to have real-world importance, and his teaching is extraordinary.”