The Harvard Law School Association, like the Law School itself, reaches around the world. As part of its mission, the HLSA seeks to strengthen the bonds between Harvard Law School and its graduates in all countries.
Our recent Worldwide Alumni Congress in Paris reflected the importance of internationalization at the Law School. People who have a common bond but live in many different places had the chance to share experiences, ideas, observations, and discoveries. For a few days, they again plunged into the world of education–learning from one another, hearing about the latest programs and initiatives at HLS today, and offering their suggestions on the strategic plans for the future of the School. It was a productive, enjoyable, altogether remarkable event!
As president of the Harvard Law School Association, I have the happy opportunity to work with many alumni–through reunions, local associations, committees, HLSA Council, and congresses–to see their commitment and contributions, and to foster the ever-growing vitality of the HLSA. It was a thrill to welcome so many graduates to the meetings and discussions in Paris. In the year ahead, I look forward to similar enthusiastic participation in Association events–“at home” in Cambridge, around the United States, and internationally.
–Robert N. Shapiro ’78, president of the HLSA