Harvard Law School Professor Kenneth Mack ’91 received an honorary Doctor of Public Service degree from Harrisburg University of Science and Technology during a commencement ceremony on May 20 in Harrisburg, Pa. Mack also delivered the commencement address.
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology was founded in 2001 and graduated its fourth class of students this year.
Read his prepared remarks, “The Power of Discontent”.
“I feel a sense that there is more to accomplish professionally, and that there is certainly much more for me to accomplish to do something useful in the world, and to make it a better place.” Mack told the graduates, “I don’t know where that feeling will lead me, what it will lead me to do, but I know enough to trust it, to understand that, wherever it leads me, it will be a happier place.”
Mack, who spent 2009-2010 as a visiting professor at Georgetown Law, has taught at HLS since 2000. In 2008-09, he co-directed the annual workshop, entitled “Race-Making and Law-Making in the Long Civil Rights Movement,” at the Charles Warren Center for American History at Harvard University. Mack’s forthcoming book, entitled “Representing a Race: The Creation of the Civil Rights Lawyer,” will be published by Harvard University Press.
He earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in History from Princeton. He also attended Harrisburg High School and graduated from Central Dauphin East High School in 1982.
In 2003, Mack delivered the annual Hugo L. Black Lecture at the University of Alabama Law School, and in 2005 he delivered the Annual John Gedid Lecture at Widener University.