Post Date: September 12, 2006
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School announces “CyberOne: Law in the Court of Public Opinion,” the first class at Harvard University to be offered through Second Life, a 3-D virtual environment.
Says Rebecca Nesson, who is co-teaching the course with Professor Charles Nesson, “Second Life offers the opportunity for a greatly enhanced distance education experience.”
CyberOne is being jointly offered at Harvard Law School and through the Harvard Extension School in Fall Semester 2006. Course video, lecture, and project materials will be freely available to anyone with an Internet connection. The Berkman Center, in conjunction with Cambridge Community Television, will also be broadcast select video on CCTV.
Professor Charles Nesson and Rebecca Nesson will be speaking about the class on Tuesday, September 12 at noon. For additional information regarding their talk and webcast, please visit The Berkman Center for Internet and Society.