Post date: April 19, 2002 — 9:20 a.m.
On Saturday, April 20, 300 Harvard Law School students are expected to participate in the inaugural Springfest Volunteer Service Day. Students will volunteer at more than 16 sites across Cambridge and Greater Boston including Habitat for Humanity, the Cambridge Family YMCA, and the CASPAR Homeless Shelter. Of the 300 volunteers, more than 120 students will participate in the Annual Earth Day Charles River Clean Up.
Springfest Volunteer Service Day is being co-sponsored and organized by the Student Public Interest Network (SPIN), HL Central, and the Dean of Students Office.
“Springfest was first established by SPIN in 2000 to demonstrate student support for the pursuit of public interest careers, including a robust and meaningful Low Income Protection Plan,” said Geraldine Chin, co-chair of Springfest, and LLM representative on the SPIN board. “This year, the SPIN Board decided to incorporate a volunteer service day as part of the Springfest activities. We decided to join forces with HL Central who launched their community service program in Fall 2001.”
“This is an incredible opportunity for law students to build community amongst themselves while reaching out to the broader community,” said first-year student Rita Bolt, co-chair of Springfest and co-director of the HL Central Community Service Committee.
The Springfest Volunteer Service Day has been supported by all seven first-year sections and more than 20 student organizations at HLS, who have recruited their members to volunteer.
“This is a great event, which builds on Harvard Law School student commitment to the community,” said Dean of Students, Suzanne Richardson.
The co-chairs of this event are Geraldine Chin and Fiona Tregonning from SPIN, and Ariane Decker and Rita Bolt from HL Central.