Post Date: March 17, 2006
This weekend, the convention launching the National Democratic Law Student Council will take place at HLS, hosted by the HLS Democrats. The new organization — conceived of and initiated by Harvard Law students in collaboration with staffers at the Democratic National Committee — will become the national umbrella organization for Democratic law students.
“Over the past six months, we’ve been working to build a national association of law school Democrats, and the convention this weekend will serve as a kickoff to that organization,” said David Burd ’06, a co-founder of NDLSC. “Over 200 students from almost 40 law schools across the country will convene here to hear DNC Chairman Howard Dean and other prominent speakers.”
The conference will include panel discussions on topics such as campaign finance, the process of running for office and bringing about social change through the courts. Participants will also elect the first national officers of the NDLSC.
For more information, please visit the NDLSC Kick-off Convention website.