On May 22, seven members of the Harvard Law School community received the Dean’s Award for Excellence at a ceremony in Austin Hall hosted by Dean John F.  Manning ’85. The award recognizes staff members who embody both the letter and spirit of excellence within the Harvard Law School community. HLS staff members are nominated by their peers for the award.

2018-2019 Dean’s Award for Excellence Recipients

Lori Adgate, accounting assistant, Finance

Carol Flores, administrative coordinator, Criminal Justice Institute

Daniel Fox, learning technologist, Library, Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum Services

Mindy Kent, manager, Library, Reference & Research Services

Laurie Lower, accessibility services coordinator, Dean of Students Office

Susan Salvato, associate registrar for operation, Office of the Registrar

Dana Walters, program and communications coordinator, Human Rights Program

In addition to the Dean’s Awards winners, Melissa Bergsten, admissions and financial aid administrator in the Graduate Program and Sheryl Dickey, attorney advisor for the LL.M. Pro Bono Program in the Office of Clinical and Pro Bono Programs, were named 2019 Harvard Heroes. They are among 61 Harvard University employees being honored for their extraordinary dedication to the University at a ceremony in Sanders Theatre hosted by President Lawrence S. Bacow on June 13.

Harvard Heroes is an annual program held each spring to celebrate high-performing staff from across every School and the Central Administration with both local and University-wide recognition. These staff members are nominated and/or selected by their peers and departments.