Harvard Lecturer on Law David Poole ’86 was nominated by Governor Deval Patrick ’82 to serve as an associate justice to the Boston Municipal Court.

The nomination will be acted on by the Governor’s Council at a hearing on April 9, 2008.

“David Poole will bring to the bench and appreciation of the law and justice cultivated over the years of his service to poor and underrepresented communities,” said Patrick.

A graduate of HLS and the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Poole is currently the litigation director and clinical instructor at the Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law School. A Brookline resident who once worked as a trial attorney for the Committee for Public Counsel Services in the Roxbury Defenders Unit and the Boston Trial Unit, Poole will bring to the bench his experience as a public interest lawyer and teacher.

Poole is slated to fill the vacancy on the Charlestown Division of the BMC created by the retirement of Judge Allen J. Jarasitis. If approved by the Governor’s Council, Poole will join more than 140 other HLS alumni to serve the country as state or federal judges.