Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) indicate that, as of the end of 2016, Harvard Law School faculty members have continued to feature prominently on SSRN’s list of the 100 most-cited law professors. HLS faculty captured 12 slots — including the number one and two slots — among the top 100 law school professors in all legal areas in terms of citations to their work.
As in previous years, Professor Lucian Bebchuk and was ranked first among all law school professors in all-time total citations. Professor Bebchuk’s papers have attracted a total of 4,373 citations as of the end of 2016. Professor Steven Shavell was ranked second, with 3,761 citations.
In addition to Professors Bebchuk and Shavell, ten other HLS faculty members are among SSRN’s list of the 100 most-cited law school professors of all time:
- Cass Sunstein (1,483 citations) — Ranked 4
- Louis Kaplow (1,262 citations) — Ranked 7
- Reinier Kraakman (1,107 citations) — Ranked 9
- Mark Roe (1,103 citations) — Ranked 10
- Jesse Fried (1,096 citations) — Ranked 11
- Alma Cohen (1,036 citations) — Ranked 12
- Allen Ferrell (703 citations) — Ranked 21
- John Coates, IV (239 citations) — Ranked 68
- Mark Ramseyer (195 citations) — Ranked 88
- Howell Jackson (188 citations) — Ranked 93
SSRN is the leading electronic service for social science research, and its electronic library contains (as of January 2017) 597,994 full-text documents by 327,576 authors.
You can visit the SSRN website to see the top 10 rankings by citation, as well as additional measures tracked by SSRN. Sign in is required to view the full list.