The Green Bag, a quarterly journal devoted to readable, concise, and entertaining legal scholarship, has named a number of current and former Harvard Law School faculty members and alumni to its “Exemplary Legal Writing 2011” list. They will appear in the 2012 Almanac & Reader.
The list, which recognizes outstanding legal writing in the categories of opinions for the court, concurrences and dissents, books, short articles, long articles, news and editorials, and miscellany, was compiled from a list of nominees based on the votes of the journal’s Board of Advisers. The board includes distinguished members from the state and federal judiciaries, private law firms, the news media and academia.
The late Professor William J. Stuntz won for his book, “The Collapse of American Criminal Justice” (Harvard University Press 2011). Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens provided a comprehensive review and thoughtful analysis of the book in the Oct. 20 New York Review of Books. Watch video of a recent event at HLS celebrating the publication of Stuntz’s book here.
In the concurrences, dissents, etc. category, former HLS dean and current Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan ’86 won for her dissent in Arizona Christian School Tuition Org. v. Winn S. Ct. 1436 (2011). Justice Kagan recently returned to the law school to share her insights on life in the law.
Former HLS visiting professor Michael McConnell won in the news and editorial category for his piece, “When Credit is Due” from Advancing a Free Society.
A number of HLS alums were recognized for their legal writing. In the opinion for the court category, Richard A. Posner ’62 won for Flomo v. Firestone Natural Rubber Co., 643 F.3d 1013 (7th Cir. 2011) and Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. ’79 for FCC v. AT&T Inc., 131 S.Ct. 1777 (2011).
In the books category, William T. Coleman ’43 won for “Counsel for the Situation: Shaping the Law to Realize America’s Promise” (Brookings Institute Press 2010). “Is the Supreme Court a ‘Majoritarian’ Institution?” Sup. Ct. Rev. 103 (2010) by Richard Pildes ’83 won in the long articles category. Adam White ’04 won in the short articles category for his article “The Burkean Justice,” Weekly Standard, July 18, 201. Jed Rubenfeld ’86 won in the news and editorial category for “His Killing Was Lawful,” L.A. Times, May 16, 2011. In the miscellany category, Kimba M. Wood ’69 won for Application in Limine for a Brief Recess and Order, United States v. Lacey. No. 09 Cr. 507 (KMW) (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 17 & 18. 2010).
Among the 2011 nominees were several HLS faculty members, including Professor Christine Desan, Professor Noah Feldman, Professor Laurence Tribe ’66 and Tomiko Brown-Nagin, who will join the HLS faculty in summer 2012.