The force was with the 2016 Harvard Law School Parody, “Law Wars: Attack of the Loans.” This year’s show, which sold out and ran from Feb. 27 to March 1, drew an audience of over 1,700 students, faculty, and visitors, and involved a cast and crew of 90 students.
In the production, Darth Weber seeks to convert all the 1Ls to the Private Side of the law. Only an alliance of public interest students, led by courageous 1Ls Luke and Leia, can stand against him. With the help of Obi-Jon Hanson and Han YOLO (JD/MBA), our heroes must infiltrate EIP, locate the reclusive Master Nesson, and do something about the giant laser on top of Gropius that could blow us all up at any minute.
The Parody is the only production of the law school’s Drama Society. Students spend all year putting the Parody together. It includes legal puns and popular songs rewritten to lampoon life at HLS. The Parody began in the 1980’s with a production of “Supraman”, in which the superhero comes to the Law School in order to stamp out evil and win the heart of Lois Lien. A history of past shows appears of the drama society’s website, and posters from past productions adorn the walls of the game room in the school’s Pub.