Post date: March 12 — 11:20 a.m.
U.S. Representative Robert Barr (R-Ga.) will join other nationally recognized panelists this Tuesday, March 13, at a Harvard Law School symposium entitled “Reforming Punitive Damages.” The magnitude of recent punitive damage awards—in Florida against the tobacco companies and in California against General Motors—has shed new light on this issue and led some critics to call for reform.
Sponsored by Harvard Law School’s Journal on Legislation, the symposium will feature two panels of speakers from diverse academic, legislative, and legal backgrounds.
The Harvard Journal on Legislation is a nonpartisan academic law journal in its 38th year of publication. The Summer 2001 issue of the Journal will feature essays and articles reflecting the symposium’s theme of punitive damage reform.
The following is a schedule of symposium events. All panel discussions are open to the public and will be held in Austin Hall North.
1:45 – 3:45 p.m.: The Future of Punitive Damages (panel discussion)
4 – 5:45 p.m.: How to Decide Punitive Damages (panel discussion)
For more information, please see the Journal’s web site.