Post date: May 2, 2001 — 2:45 p.m.
Beginning May 3, world leaders, scholars, journalists, and business executives will join high-level U.S. government officials for the 2001 Harvard Colloquium on International Affairs. The three-day event, co-sponsored by Harvard Law School, will focus on regions and issues most important to American foreign policy.
“The Colloquium will be a unique weekend—a truly University-wide event, with some of the world’s leading scholars and decision makers discussing the most pressing challenges for American foreign policy,” said Professor Anne-Marie Slaughter, who will moderate a panel on the relationship between the United States and multilateral organizations.
Among the 24 panels and lectures will be discussions focusing on the impact of domestic politics on foreign policy, the changing nature of war in the communications age, and human rights and globalization.
All events are free and open to the public; a live webcast will be available for those who are unable to attend. Please see the colloquium website for a complete schedule of events and locations.
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