In a July 24 op-ed for Bloomberg View titled “Don’t Let the Egyptian Army Follow Caesar’s Script,” HLS Professor Noah Feldman argues that extending the power of the Egyptian military would be a great danger to the country’s burgeoning democracy. “The bottom line is that the military as an institution is dangerous to a developing democracy. No matter how well intentioned the generals may be when they take over, their institutional incentive is to maximize their own power at the expense of other branches of government.” In order to maintain balance between the elected government and the military, the military must have a stake in the success of the democratic institution, writes Feldman. They must eliminate competition between the two branches and limit the power of the military rather than fortify it. Read the full article here. Recently named a columnist for Bloomberg View, Feldman is the author of several books, including “Scorpions: The Battles and Triumphs of FDR’s Great Justices,” (Twelve Books 2010). The American Bar Association recently selected “Scorpions” to receive its Silver Gavel Award, which recognizes works that are exemplary in fostering the American public’s understanding of law and the legal system. “Scorpions” was also selected as the best legal book of the year by Scribes, the American Society of Legal Writers, winning its 2011 Book Award.
Faculty Scholarship

Noah Feldman
Credit: Phil Farnsworth