Post date: February 13, 2002 — 9:30 a.m.
Beginning on Friday, February 16, Harvard Law School will host a three-day conference examining religion, human rights, and democracy. Speakers will include John Shattuck, former assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and John Hanford, the recently appointed Ambassador at Large on Religious Freedom. The event, co-sponsored by Human Rights Program, the Graduate Program and the Islamic Legal Studies Program, will begin with Shattuck ‘s keynote address on Friday at 6 p.m. in Pound Hall 102.
“In the wake of recent world events highlighting the tension between human rights, democracy, and freedom of religion, this conference is critically important,” said Conference Chair Kerri Sherlock. “The labeling of recent terrorist activity as religiously motivated violence has reinvigorated debates about religion ‘s role in politics as well as state policies promoting religious freedom.”
The conference will continue on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. and will conclude on Sunday morning in Austin North with a human rights roundtable discussion with representatives of Human Rights Watch, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the International Anti-Poverty Law Center.
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