Harvard Law School Lecturer on Law Stuart N. Brotman has been appointed to the U.S. Department of State’s Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy (ACICIP).
Comprised of senior-level officers who represent a broad range of expertise in communications and information technology, the 43-member ACICIP advises U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Phillip L. Verveer on “major economic, social and legal issues and problems in international communications and information policy,” according to a State Department release.
“These issues and problems involve users and providers of information and communication services, technology research and development, foreign industrial and regulatory policy, the activities of international organizations in communications and information, and developing country interests,” the release said.
The ACICIP provides information, advice, consultations, negotiations, special studies and research on a variety of communications and information issues – including domestic policies and public and private foreign affairs. The committee also consults with other interested parties as needed, including U.S. government agencies, interagency committees, private groups and individuals.
Brotman, who taught Entertainment and Media Law in the Fall Term 2010, is President of Stuart N. Brotman Communications, a global consulting firm based in Lexington, Mass. He was the first person ever appointed to the HLS faculty to teach telecommunications, and was the school’s first research fellow in Entertainment and Media Law.
He earned his J.D. from University of California Berkeley in 1978, and completed HLS’s professional programs in negotiation and mediation in 1987-88. He has authored more than 300 articles on communications information and entertainment law, and is an accomplished public speaker, consultant, government policy adviser and researcher.