This year’s list of 10 Best Corporate and Securities Articles includes two selections from the Harvard Law faculty: Professors Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. ’80 S.J.D. ’84 and Reinier Kraakman were honored for recent articles examining shareholder rights and law firm partitioning.
Drawn from 450 articles, the top 10 list reflects the choices of leading legal scholars in the corporate law field. The results will be published in an upcoming issue of the legal journal, “Corporate Practice Commentator.”
Bebchuk’s article, Letting Shareholders Set the Rules was published in the April 2006 Harvard Law Review. Kraakman and two other legal scholars authored Law and the Rise of the Firm, which was published in the May 2006 Harvard Law Review. This is the seventh straight year that an article from an HLS professor has been honored, and the sixth year in a row that HLS has had multiple selections.
Bebchuk directs the Program on Corporate Governance and is author of the recent book, “Pay without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation.” He joined the HLS faculty in 1985.
An expert in corporate finance, Kraakman is the author the recent book, “The Anatomy of Corporate Law: A Comparative and Functional Approach.” Kraakman joined the HLS faculty in 1987.
Bebchuk and Kraakman were each featured in a special section of the Spring 2007 Harvard Law Bulletin devoted to corporate governance.