Today Posts
Glendon takes oath as U.S. envoy to the Vatican
February 15, 2008
Surrounded by family members, friends and colleagues, Professor Mary Ann Glendon was sworn in as the new U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See today in a brief ceremony held in the Caspersen Room of Harvard Law School's Langdell Hall.
Panel examines how neuroscience can help judges determine what is in the best interests of the child
February 14, 2008
At a February 12 event, Harvard Law School faculty members joined juvenile court judges and experts in child development to discuss how neuroscience can be better used in the courtroom to break the cycle of child maltreatment.
Designing Ames: creating cases for the Moot Court competition
February 14, 2008
Few lawyers ever get the chance to write something that will be studied closely by a justice of the United States Supreme Court.
The following article, The inconvenient truths of 2008, written by Harvard Law School Professor William J. Stuntz, was published in The Weekly Standard on February 18, 2008.
Panel looks at the "shifting borders" of U.S. immigration law
February 11, 2008
The distinction between citizen and non-citizen lies at the heart of immigration law, and is often drawn at the border. But where precisely does the “border” lie in U.S. immigration law and practice?
The West doesn't know quite what to think of Turkey's Islamic-oriented ruling party: does it envision a liberal, European future for Turkey or an Islamist one? A vote this week on the seemingly minor issue of whether head scarves should be allowed at universities will help us begin to answer that question.
Mission to Istanbul: Palfrey urges Internet freedom in Turkey
February 7, 2008
John Palfrey '01, clinical professor of law and executive director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, made a whirlwind visit to Turkey this week to urge authorities not to filter or censor content on the internet.
Harvard Law Review elects Robert Allen as president
February 6, 2008
The Harvard Law Review has elected Robert Allen '09 as its 122nd president. Allen has excelled at HLS, winning last year's prestigious Sears Prize, which is awarded to the student with the highest grades in the 1L class each year.
HLS professor appointed to Supreme Judicial Court advisory committee
January 31, 2008
Harvard Law School Professor Andrew Kaufman '54 has been appointed to an ad hoc committee that will advise the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts on whether to adopt changes to ethical rules disfavoring public comment by judges.
HLS Professors among country’s ‘leading lawyers’
January 29, 2008
Three Harvard Law School professors are featured among a group of 500 "leading lawyers," according to a new a list published in Law Dragon Magazine. Professors Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. '80 S.J.D. '84, Jack Goldsmith, and Elizabeth Warren join five additional law professors from other law schools on the list.
Michael Klarman to join HLS faculty
January 24, 2008
University of Virginia School of Law Professor Michael J. Klarman has accepted an offer to join the Harvard Law School faculty with tenure this summer.
Goldsmith receives honorable mention for book
January 18, 2008
Harvard Law School Professor Jack Goldsmith’s book, “Who Controls the Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World,” received an honorable mention from Scribes, The American Society of Legal Writers. Goldsmith and co-author Tim Wu were one of two honorable mentions for 2007.
Kerry at HLS: U.S. must act now on global climate change
January 16, 2008
In a Harvard Law School classroom today, Senator John Kerry (D - Mass.) stressed the urgency of the climate change problem, arguing that the federal government needs to take action immediately to combat global warming.
Swabb says the Iraq war is improving U.S. military capabilities
January 15, 2008
Erik Swabb '09 wrote the following op-ed, "The lessons of Iraq," which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on January 14, 2008. Swabb served in Iraq as a Marine infantry officer.
Iraq is a vanishing issue in the presidential election, Professor Noah Feldman says
January 14, 2008
The following article, Vanishing Act , written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on January 13, 2007.
Bebchuk ranks first among law professors on SSRN
January 11, 2008
Statistics released by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) show that, as of the end of 2007, the works of Harvard Law School Professor Lucian Bebchuk LL.M. '80 S.J.D. '84 have been downloaded more than the work of any other law professor.
Glendon becomes U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See
January 7, 2008
Harvard Law School Professor Mary Ann Glendon's nomination to become the new U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See was confirmed by the Senate late last month, after President Bush announced the nomination on November 5.
The following article, What is it about Mormonism?, written by Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman, was published in the New York Times Magazine on January 6, 2007.
The following op-ed, Slow healing in the Catholic Church, co-written by Harvard Law School Professor Robert Bordone '97 and Reverend Robert J. Bowers, was published in the Boston Globe on January 1, 2007.
Six questions for Professor Noah Feldman
December 21, 2007
The following interview will be published in the January 2008 issue of Harvard Law Today. Professor Noah Feldman, who joined the faculty in 2007, is an expert in constitutional law -- with a special focus on the interplay between law and religion -- and international and comparative law.
HLS law and economics experts publish definitive Handbook
December 17, 2007
A two-volume, 1,800 page, state-of-the-art survey of law and economics, the culmination of a five year effort, has just been published as the Handbook of Law and Economics. The book was edited by Professor Steven Shavell, with Professors Louis Kaplow ’81 and Kathryn Spier contributing their scholarship.