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  • Complete Your Course Evaluations to Ensure You Have Your Grades for Preview

    April 11, 2023

    Your spring grades’ release will be delayed if you do not complete your spring course evaluations by the deadline.

  • Reminder- Register for EIP

    April 11, 2023

    If you think that you will be participating in EIP this summer, don’t forget to complete EIP Registration in CSM so we can best prepare you for this program and also plan for appropriate resources and advising time.

  • Your EIP To-Do List

    April 11, 2023

    As the semester winds down you may be wondering what EIP steps to prioritize now. Before leaving for the summer, try to do the following if you haven’t already.

  • Important Reminder About Your Hire Ground Email

    April 6, 2023

    The Hire Ground emails will be your primary source for accessing all upcoming information on Preview, EIP, and advice for success in your summer job. Please make sure you are getting and reviewing our emails.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed by EIP?

    April 6, 2023

    Many students feel a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of EIP. Remember, when in doubt, visit the EIP Roadmap which walks you through each step of the process. Now is a good time to focus on Leg 4- Research. You can also schedule an EIP Planning appointment to develop a plan with an OCS adviser. Rest assured, we will work with you in the coming months to ensure you are ready and well-prepared.

  • EIP and Smaller Markets

    April 6, 2023

    If you are planning on focusing your 2L summer job search on a smaller market, you may be wondering about Preview and EIP. While many firms from smaller markets do participate, there are still a large number of smaller firms and firms from smaller markets which do not come to EIP.

  • Researching Firms

    April 4, 2023

    As you begin to plan for EIP, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the hundreds of firms, multiple geographic markets, and various practice areas. If you are unsure how you should be researching firms for your bid list, check out our Researching Firms for EIP video created by an OCS peer adviser. In the video, Kaleb walks you through our most popular employer research resources and discusses how best to utilize them.

  • Plaintiffs’ Firm Recruiting Update

    April 4, 2023

    Interested in Plaintiffs’ firms? A few are registered to recruit through EIP this summer, and several more will participate in V-PIIP with OPIA in August-September. Plaintiffs’ Firms Summer Recruiting Through OCS and OPIA for more information.

  • Why Do an EIP Mock Interview Now?

    April 4, 2023

    Preview and EIP seem a long way off, so you may be wondering why you should sign up for an EIP mock interview now. Interviewing is a key component of EIP, but doing it well requires preparation and practice.

  • Help Getting Started With EIP

    March 30, 2023

    If you aren’t quite sure how to get started with EIP prep and navigating EIP Preview, schedule an EIP Planning Appointment with an OCS adviser. These appointments are a great starting point for thinking through your Preview and EIP strategy and beginning to formulate your plan.

  • EIP Resume Review

    March 30, 2023

    The OCS EIP Resume Review Program is happening now. If you are participating in EIP and would like to have your resume reviewed by OCS, now is the time.

  • Last Chance- Researching Firms for EIP Workshop

    March 28, 2023

    Have you thought about what you are looking for in a firm? Do all the firms look similar to you at this point? This Thursday, March 30 our OCS 3L Peer Advisers will host one last workshop to help you differentiate firms and walk you through how to use the many available resources.

  • EIP Mock Interviews

    March 28, 2023

    Interviewing is a key element of EIP and Preview, but doing it well requires preparation and practice. Before you get too busy studying for final exams and then begin your summer job, participate in the EIP Mock Interview Program.

  • Key Resources for Researching Diversity, Pro Bono, and Other Factors

    March 28, 2023

    As part of your firm selection, you may be interested in more than market and practice area in narrowing down your list. You may want to consider a firm’s commitment to diversity in hiring and retention, part- and flex-time policies, parental leave policies, or the firm’s commitment to pro bono.

  • EIP Roadmap Leg 4- Research

    March 23, 2023

    The EIP Roadmap is your one-stop page for all things EIP. If you haven’t already, decided if Preview and EIP are right for you and, if so, be sure to register for EIP. You can also wrap up Leg 3 by getting your application materials in order before exam preparation gets into full swing and submit your resume for review.

  • Why Attend Employer Events?

    March 23, 2023

    Don’t let employer event fatigue keep you from missing out on great opportunities to meet with EIP employers. These receptions provide a great opportunity to do a bit of EIP research while also making strong connections with employers and attorneys

  • 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law

    March 23, 2023

    You have likely heard a lot of things about Big Law and may have a general sense of what to expect this summer and beyond. But, you may also be feeling like all the firms look the same and are not quite sure how to differentiate them. Listen to our new podcast, 10 Things You Should Know About Big Law to learn some of the things that are important to know about Big Law, but you may not know yet.

  • Navigating Interactions with Firms Where You Interviewed This Winter

    March 21, 2023

    You may wonder how firms you interviewed with this winter fit in with EIP.

  • EIP Mock Interview Program

    March 21, 2023

    Reminder to sign up for the EIP Mock Interview Program if you haven’t already. The program will give you a chance to see what to expect during interviews, practice your interview skills, and get advice on what to work on ahead of Preview and EIP. Review Leg 5 of the EIP Roadmap for more on how to prepare for interviews.

  • Getting Started with EIP Prep/How to EIP

    March 15, 2023

    If you missed it, watch a video of last week’s program, How to EIP, to help you understand how the process works, how to prepare, what to expect at interviews, and what strategies are most effective. OCS advisers also discuss the ins and outs of this summer’s law firm recruitment process and answer student questions.

  • EIP Mock Interview Program Begins Next Week

    March 15, 2023

    Interviewing is a key component of EIP and Preview, but doing it well requires preparation and practice. Before you get too busy studying for final exams and then begin your summer job, participate in the EIP Mock Interview Program.