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The Well: Health and Wellness at HLS

Your Source for Support
We’re here for you: from physical health and athletic activities to mental and emotional support, Harvard University offers resources for body, mind, and spirit.

Student dong yoga on holmes field
Concentric circle pattern

What is The Well?

The Well is Harvard Law School’s community effort to destigmatize mental health and prioritize well-being.

Think of The Well as a source of support. A hub for dialogue. A space for sharing needs and accessing resources.

Join us for Wellness Events

Take advantage of Harvard Law School’s diverse offering of wellness events, from a faculty panel to financial wellness, paint night to cardio yoga, and more.

View Upcoming Wellness Events

HLS Well-Being Working Group

We’re a team of students, faculty, and staff dedicated to supporting the community. Learn more about the work we’re doing.

CAMHS Cares Line for Students 24/7

The Counseling and Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Cares line 617-495-2042 is a 24/7 support line for Harvard students who have mental health concerns, whether they are in immediate distress or not, on-campus or elsewhere.

At all times, including evenings, weekends, and holidays, students can follow the prompts to speak directly with a CAMHS Cares Counselor about an urgent concern or if they just need to talk to someone about a difficult challenge or mental health issue.

“Being well depends on being part of a caring, supportive community where each of us feels seen, feels heard, and feels that we belong.”

Michael Gregory, Clinical Professor of Law, and member of the HLS Well-Being Working Group

HUHS Announcements

  • Flu Vaccine Coverage

    The Harvard University Student Health Program provides coverage for the flu vaccine. Here’s where and how you can get your shot covered……

    October 20, 2023

  • Update your mailing address

    Update your mailing address Don’t miss out on any correspondence regarding your health or dental insurance. Be sure to keep your mailing address. Most students can update their local/mailing address directly through my.Harvard. If you are unable to update your address via my.Harvard, please contact your Registrar’s office to request the changes. Once the update……

    February 6, 2023