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Every step of the way…

Student Financial Services is committed to supporting you throughout your time at HLS, from matriculation, to graduation, to life beyond law school.

This commitment starts with need-based aid. Through a holistic review of your and your family’s finances, we can better address your needs and offer financial aid to those who need it most. This is central to our philosophy of making an HLS education as accessible and affordable as we can. We believe that by the access our financial aid program provides, our students are all the more empowered to thrive in their academic and career pursuits.

For new admits who demonstrate the highest need, SFS has enhanced affordability by offering the Opportunity Fund: a need-based fund covering up to the full cost of tuition.

Beyond the need-based grant, SFS maintains a robust list of preferred loan options. We strongly believe in the return on investment of a Harvard Law School education, from the career options that it brings to the earning potential realized by our alumni. And for those students committed to public service, SFS offers the Low Income Protection Plan; LIPP is vital to our students’ ability to repay their loans after graduation, as we continue to work with those in the program and provide significant loan repayment assistance based on their earnings.

More than anything, we are here to help. No matter what your unique circumstances look like, we have resources to guide you through the need-based grant application process, to help you develop a financial plan, to create a budget, and to estimate your loan repayment. Just let us know how we can assist you on your law school journey.