If you experience a change to your personal circumstances you may appeal to Student Financial Services for a reevaluation of your aid offer or student budget. To request a reevaluation for one of the following reasons, complete the Adjustment Form located in the SFS Portal:
- Change in your family size resulting from the birth or adoption of a child
- Extraordinary circumstances which necessitate higher living expenses
Other personal changes during the academic year may also affect your eligibility for financial aid. You MUST report the following changes to the Student Financial Services Office when they occur, using the Adjustment Form located in the SFS Portal:
- Changes in your marital status (marriage, separation, divorce, etc.)
- Changes in your spouse’s employment
- Changes in your health insurance (e.t. changing insurance plans, adding or dropping dependent coverage, etc.)
- Receipt of new outside scholarships, fellowships, and awards or changes to one you have previously reported
- An increase of assets in excess of $3,000 (including, but not limited to gifts, inheritance, insurance payouts, proceeds from the sale of a house, or prize winnings)