1. Launch Exam4 from your desktop.
2. Select “Prepare to start a new exam.”
3. Enter your Anonymous ID in the proper boxes, and select the correct course from the course list. We recommend that you enter your HUID into the Protected Info box, though this is not mandatory.
4. Choose your exam options, should you want them (large font size, white on black background). NOTE: The countdown timer has been disabled. This option is no longer available to HLS students.
5. You do not need to enter a violation number, but you do need to check the “Got it” box.
6. Enter in the correct exam mode. All take-home exams are in TAKEHOME mode. TAKEHOME mode is the only mode which allows cutting and pasting from a Word document. (We strongly recommend you write your exam directly in Exam4 as formatting and word counts will not be preserved when copying from an outside application into Exam4. Additionally, Exam4 files are backed up every 2 minutes and are easily retrieved in the case of a computer malfunction).
7. Verify that your exam information is correct.
8. Click “Begin Exam.” REMEMBER that you need to go online to www.exam4.com to view your exam question. It will not appear when you open up the software!
The Document Statistics Box will show your word, character and line count.