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Below you will find a lot of information about how in-class exams are structured, how Exam4 functions in an in-class setting, and what policies you need to keep in mind for your exam.

What to expect in the Exam Classroom

  • WHERE YOU WILL TAKE YOUR EXAM: All in-class exams are taken on the HLS campus. The classroom assignment(s) for your in-class exam will be posted to the Spring 2024 Exam Schedule, and may differ from the location where your class is currently meeting. Classrooms for exams will be assigned to allow at least one seat between each student.
  • WHAT YOU MUST BRING: You will need to bring a photo ID to the exam classroom in order to sit for the exam. You should arrive prepared with your laptop and any materials permitted by the faculty for your exam.  Be sure to fully charge your laptop, and to bring your power cord. You will need your Spring 2024 exam ID, so please look it up in Helios ahead of time and be prepared to include it on your exam.
  • WHAT ELSE YOU CAN BRING: You may have snacks and drinks in the exam room, as long as they won’t disturb your fellow exam takers.  (For example, please don’t bring any snacks that will be particularly noisy to consume.) You may also bring an external keyboard, mouse, or laptop stand.
  • WHAT YOU MAY NOT BRING: Students may use their laptop monitors only, and may not bring additional monitors (including Ipads and other tablets) into the exam classroom. Head phones are not permitted in exam rooms, regardless of the mode of the exam.
  • EXAM PROCTORS: Each classroom will be staffed with 3-4 exam proctors, who will check you in, direct you, provide you with exam instructions, hand out exam materials, inform students when they may begin the exam, and enforce the time.  Proctors are the official time keepers of your in-class exams.  Students must follow all instructions given by the proctors.
  • EXAM MATERIALS: You will receive a paper copy of the exam questions, which you must return to the proctors at the end of the exam.

Exam Modes in Exam4

Faculty will designate the “mode” you will use in the Exam4 software while taking your exam, which will control your access to digital materials.  The options for faculty are:

  • Closed – Exam4 will block access to both your hard drive and the Internet while you are taking your exam.
  • Open – Exam4 will block access to the Internet, but you will have access to files on your hard drive
  • Open+Network – You will have access to both your hard drive and the Internet

In all in-class exam modes, the following is true:

  • You will NOT be able to copy and paste into Exam4 from another source, nor will you be able to copy and paste what you’ve written in Exam4 to an external document.
  • Faculty will specify what physical reference materials you will be permitted to use while taking your exam (i.e. printed outlines, casebooks, calculators, etc.).  Even in a “Closed” mode exam, it’s possible that you will be able to bring in physical reference items
  • Exam4 modes are posted to the exam schedule as we become aware of them.  Please note that the mode may not be available until very close to the exam date.

In-Class Exam Policies

  • ARRIVE AT LEAST 15 MINUTES BEFORE THE EXAM STARTS – Students are required to be on time for all in-class exams.  We recommend arriving at your assigned exam room about 15 minutes early to ensure that you have enough time to check in and get set up before the exam begins.  Should you arrive after the exam has begun, you will be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office for separate exam accommodations and your exam will be treated as a late exam in accordance with the Standing Policies of the Administrative Board Concerning Exam AdministrationWe strongly encourage all students to review the Standing Policies of the Administrative Board Concerning Exam Administration prior to the start of each exam period.
  • BRING A PHOTO ID – You are required to present a photo ID when checking into your exam.  After presenting a photo ID to the proctor, you will be checked in for the exam and provided a copy of the exam questions.  Proctors will accept your student ID or any valid form of government issued legal photo identification.  You will not be permitted to sit for the exam without a photo ID.
  • NO CELL PHONES – Cell phones are not permitted for any reason.  If you are permitted to use a calculator for your exam, you will need to arrange to have a handheld version, as you will not be permitted to use your smartphone.