Human Rights Legal Support Centre
Toronto, Canada
Leora’s work is focused on state and corporate accountability. Her domestic legal work has included a summer with the Bronx Defenders’ Civil Action Practice, a semester with the Fight for $15,defending New York’s minimum wage raise for fast food workers, and legal support for the New York Taxi Workers’ Alliance in a constitutional claim regarding the rights of taxi drivers with criminal records. Her international legal work has included supporting legal action against a Canadian mining corporation for human rights abuses alleged in Guatemala, action against real estate developers building settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and facilitating a workshop for Brazilian judges on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ guidelines for pretrial detention. During law school, Leora was also a contributor to the labor law blog, “On Labor.” While she writes her accreditation exams and prepares to practice law in Canada, Leora is working as a Senior Research Fellow with Propublica, covering governmental ethics and the state of workers’ rights under President Trump’s administration. In January, Leora will begin work with the Human Rights Legal Support Centre where she will provide free legal services to people experiencing discrimination in violation of the Ontario Human Rights Code.