The President’s Role in Advancing Criminal Justice Reform
January 19, 2017
How we treat citizens who make mistakes (even serious mistakes), pay their debt to society, and deserve a second chance reflects who we are as a people and reveals a lot about our character and commitment to our founding principles. And how we police our communities and the kinds of problems we ask our criminal justice system to solve can have a profound impact on the extent of trust in law enforcement and significant implications for public safety.
The Criminal Justice Policy Program is hiring paid research assistants for the January and Spring terms.
Movement Lawyering
November 17, 2016
This article presents a critical reflection on the disconnect between conventional legal training and the skills needed by lawyers to support low-income communities of color, among others, in addressing US systems of oppression. It is intended to assist aspiring “movement lawyers” in developing their capacity to align their strategic and tactical decision-making with the power dynamics faced by the communities they serve.
Meet with Fredrik Bergman (HLS '14) the Chief Legal Counsel for Centrum för rättvisa (the Centre for Justice, Sweden’s leading public interest law firm) and hear about his experiences as an international HLS alumni, former Swedish judge and pro bono litigator in the field of fundamental rights. Appointments available on Monday, November 14, 1:30-3:30 pm . Be sure to schedule an appointment!
Sign-up to Meet with Clarence Crafoord, Head of the Centre for Justice, Sweden’s Leading Public Interest Law Firm
November 8, 2016
Meet with Clarence Crafoord, the head of Centrum för rättvisa (the Centre for Justice, Sweden’s leading public interest law firm) and associate lawyer at the law firm Bratt & Feinsilber. Appointments are available on Monday, November 14, 1:30-3:30 pm. Be sure to schedule an appointment!
Op-Ed: To Bridge Justice Gap, Recruit Retiring Lawyers
October 14, 2016
Some Big Law baby boomers pursue pro bono opportunities instead of retiring because they still love practicing law.
UN Efforts to Restore the Rule of Law In Guatemala
October 12, 2016
Join Iván Velásquez Gómez, UN High Commissioner for the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala, (CICIG) as he describes his battles against illegal security groups and clandestine security organizations in Guatemala – criminal groups believed to have infiltrated state institutions, fostering impunity and undermining democratic gains in Guatemala since the end of the country’s armed conflict in the 1990s.
The Lawyer Finishing What Snowden Started
October 7, 2016
Alex Abdo (HLS '06) tackles difficult privacy cases for the ACLU.
Making the Transition — The Final Chapter
October 7, 2016
An ex-prosecutor learns that becoming a defense lawyer means defending people, not defendants.
Why Law Firms Should Support Legal Fellowships
October 5, 2016
Lawyers in public interest fellowships use their legal skills to affect real change. However, every year, exceptional young talents are turned away due to lack of funding.
Tomorrow, 10/5, Only! Meet with Guest Advisor, Alan Rozenshtein, Attorney Advisor, Office of Law and Policy, National Security Division, US DOJ
October 4, 2016
Alan Rozenshtein focuses on cybersecurity and foreign intelligence issues. Sign up for an exclusive one-on-one advising appointment!
Law School Rolls Out ‘Wheels of Justice’
September 30, 2016
The Mitchell Hamline School of Law retrofitted a recreational vehicle into a mobile pro bono law office. The RV, called Wheels of Justice carries students across Minnesota to perform pro bono legal services for those in need.
DOJ: Stop Jailing People Just Because They Can’t Afford Bail
September 28, 2016
The Justice Department files a brief arguing that holding a defendant in jail because they cannot afford bail is unconstitutional.
Law School Courses Delve into Racial Strife
September 28, 2016
Law students are discussing current events in class in order to prepare them for how race, class, and economics influence law in the real world.
Law Schools Must Focus on Access to Justice
September 26, 2016
Fordham, Stanford and other institutions are working to lessen the legal system's limitations.
Eliminate Laws That Cause Healthy Food to Go to Waste
September 26, 2016
Emily Broad Leib, director of the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, calls for policies to address food waste and its impacts on the environment, food security, and our climate.
Bob Bordone encourages students to settle for nothing less than the ‘Best. Job. Ever.’
September 23, 2016
Bob Bordone, Thaddeus R. Beal Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program, considers the elements of a successful career.
Nominations for AALS Pro Bono & Public Service Awards Due by September 30!
September 16, 2016
Please consider nominating a faculty member, dean, or staff member for one of these awards recognizing pro bono and public service contributions. Nominations of others or oneself may be made by any member of AALS until September 30, 2016, 5:00 p.m. (EST) and must be emailed to Jennifer Tschirch.
OCS/OPIA Cover Letter Workshop (Video)
February 22, 2011
OCS’s Yih-hsien Shen and OPIA’s Catherine Pattanayak cover the fundamentals of effective cover letter writing and editing in this workshop.