Alumni Speak brings public interest alumni voices to our current students and other alumni on topics related to law school, life, jobs and getting it all done with resilience, intentionality, and confidence. Throughout the academic year or after graduation, your messages will help students and fellow alums navigate the various challenges of law school and beyond.

We are currently seeking your input on the topics of Career Transitions and Work-Life Balance:

Career Transitions

Help assuage student concerns about needing to choose the “perfect” path. We believe that variation is possible in the early years of a career and that one need not get “stuck” in one issue area, practice setting or work type. If you are fewer than seven years out and your work has evolved, please describe your trajectory/transitions. Have you toggled between private and public sector, worked internationally and domestically, had an eclectic career path, or simply transitioned from one practice setting to another?

Work-Life Balance

How do you manage the demands of your job while having a life outside of work? What are your strategies? What advice do you have for a student who is focused on finding the right balance?

Please share your thoughts through our Alumni Speak Survey. Thank you!