TRIAL International
Geneva, Switzerland
As a Kaufman fellow, Julia will be working at TRIAL International in Geneva, Switzerland. At TRIAL she will work as a staff attorney with the International Investigations and Litigation team, which seeks to bring perpetrators (individuals and corporations) to justice in Swiss and EU domestic courts under universal jurisdiction principles in the context of international grave crimes, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and torture. During law school, Julia was a clinical student with the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic (HIRC) and participated in HLS Advocates for Human Rights and the Harvard Law Women’s Law Association (Mental Health Committee). She spent her 1L summer at the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. and her 2L summer at Debevoise & Plimpton in New York. Julia took a year off between 2L & 3L to serve as a Legal/Research & Analysis intern at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Prior to law school, Julia spent time working on former Yugoslavia war crimes investigations and trials, including at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) where she served as a Military Analysis Team intern for the Mladić trial. She also served as an Investigative Analyst in the New York Country District Attorney’s Office, where she worked in the Human Trafficking Response Unit and the Trial Division. Julia received her B.A. in Political Science/International Affairs from Northeastern University.