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As a joint degree student at Harvard Law School (HLS), you can look forward to many career opportunities. As you think about your career plan, consider the following:

Access to OCS Services

Upon enrollment at each school, you may avail yourself of all career resources. At Harvard Law School, this includes career advising, access to all career-related programming, the CSM Job Bank, OCS website, Hire Ground blog and email as well as all recruitment programs.

At Harvard Kennedy School, this includes access to the JACK: Jobs and Careers for the Kennedy School, career coaching through the Office of Career Advancement (OCA), access to OCA’s internal website (KNet), and access to select events.

At Harvard Business School (HBS), this includes access to the HBS MBA Career Hub, career coaching through the office of MBA Career and Professional Development (CPD), access to CPD’s internal website and access to select MBA events.

Participate in the Early Interview Program (EIP)

The primary private sector recruitment program at HLS is the Early Interview Program (EIP). Joint degree students who wish to participate in EIP must have completed the first year of law school. As a result, joint degree students who begin the first year of their joint degree program at HLS will have two opportunities to take full advantage of EIP as a 2L: after 1L year, and the summer before 2L year.  Those students who begin their joint degree program at in their other (non-JD) program and start at HLS their second year will participate in EIP once as a 2L, together with their 1L peers. There are also limited opportunities to participate in EIP as a 3L.

Because joint degree students may graduate a year after their law school peers, their recruitment opportunities may differ – this is especially the case for those interviewing after their 1L year and before their first year in their other program. For more information, visit Understanding Preview and EIP and How EIP Fits Into Your Career Goals.

Joint degree students wanting to participate in EIP should review EIP for Joint Degree Students which includes instructions to confirm that you intend to participate in EIP.

The skills and knowledge you gain from your joint degree will serve you well during your career; however, be prepared for questions regarding your interest in working in a law firm, and the law in general. Some examples include:

  • Why did you go to law school?
  • Why are you getting a joint degree?
  • What do you hope to do with your other degree?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Are you really interested in practicing law?
  • Are you really interested in working in the private sector?

Law firms know that you have multiple options so your answers should convince the firm that you want to work there. Your interviewers will be interested in your additional studies; if you can show how these additional skills apply to the practice of law and law firms, your joint degree can be a strong asset rather than a curiosity.  You may wish to work with an OCS advisor for advice on how to discuss your interest in law firms.

JD/MBA Additional Information

  • Sample JD/MBA Timeline


    Fall Schedule an appointment with a Harvard Law School career advisor and/or Harvard Business School Career Coach. 1Ls may start meeting with OPIA and/or OCS advisors as of October 15. Begin applying for legal (or business) summer employment opportunities
    Spring Attend the OCS EIP Orientation
    (Rising HBS First Year)
    Work at law-related summer internship.(Optional) Prepare for EIP and bid on/interview with the limited number of employers interviewing joint degree students for summer position. Decide whether to accept EIP summer position days or hold offer open to pursue other opportunities (see an OCS advisor if you are in this situation).

    YEAR TWO OF PROGRAM (Start HBS as First Year)

    Fall Make an appointment with HBS career coach and attend all career-related programs.
    Spring Participate in HBS recruiting programs.(Optional) Attend HLS OCS EIP Orientation.
    (Rising 2L)
    Work at business (or law) related summer position. If applicable, receive offer from summer employer to return the following summer 3.(Optional) Prepare for EIP and bid on/interview with legal employers as a rising 2L, for summer position to begin after completion of 2L year (third year of program).  Decide whether to accept EIP offer or hold offer open to pursue business-related opportunities (see an OCS advisor if you are in this situation).

    YEAR THREE (2L Equivalent at HLS)

    Fall Take upper level HBS and HLS classes.
    Spring Take HBS and HLS classes.(Optional) Participate in HBS recruiting for summer business internships with other first year HBS students.
    (Rising 2L)
    Work at business or law related summer internship. Receive offer of post-graduation employment from summer employer.

    YEAR FOUR (3L at HLS and Second Year at HBS)

    Fall Take upper level HLS and HBS courses. Accept law firm offer by October 1 or hold offer open to participate in business recruiting (See an OCS career advisor if you are in this situation.)
    Spring Take HLS and HBS classes. Participate in HBS Recruiting for post graduation job.
    Summer Graduate. Take bar exam (optional).
  • Get Involved

    In addition to your coursework, you should cultivate relationships with classmates, professors and alumni from both schools. This powerful network will assist you throughout your career. In addition, consider attending some of the hundreds of programs that take place at the Law School each year featuring practitioners, scholars and business leaders from around the world. You should also consider joining one of the many student organizations, student practice organizations, Journals and clinics. The Harvard Association for Law and Business (HALB) and the Harvard Business Law Review are often of interest to joint degree students. You should review the calendars of both schools regularly.

  • Resources for Further Research

Kennedy School Joint Degree Additional Information

  • Sample JD/MPP or MPA-ID Timeline


    Fall Schedule an appointment with a HLS career advisor and/or HKS career coach. 1Ls may start meeting with OPIA and/or OCS advisors as of October 15. Begin applying for legal (or other) summer employment opportunities after November 15.
    Spring Attend the OCS EIP Orientation
    (Rising HKS First Year)
    Work at law-related summer internship.(Optional) Prepare for EIP and bid on/interview with the limited number of employers interviewing joint degree students for summer position. Decide whether to accept EIP summer position within 14/21 days or hold offer open to pursue other opportunities (see an OCS advisor if you are in this situation).


    Fall Make an appointment with HKS career coach and attend all career-related programs.
    Spring Participate in HKS recruiting programs if you are not going to your EIP employer (or if your EIP employer allows split summers).(Optional) Attend HLS OCS EIP Orientation.
    (Rising 2L)
    Work at EIP-related (or other) summer position. If applicable, receive offer from summer 2 employer to return for summer 3.(Optional) Prepare for EIP and bid on/interview with legal employers as a rising 2L, for summer 3 position.  Decide whether to accept EIP offer within 14/21 days or hold offer open to pursue other opportunities (see an OCS advisor if you are in this situation).


    Fall Take upper level HKS and HLS classes.
    Spring Take upper level HKS and HLS classes.(Optional) Participate in HKS recruiting for summer internships with other first year HKS students.
    (Rising 2L)
    Work at EIP or other summer internship. Receive offer of post-graduation employment from summer employer.


    Fall Take upper level HLS and HKS courses. Accept law firm offer for post-graduation employment by October 1 or hold offer open to participate in non-law firm recruiting. (See an OCS career advisor if you are in this situation.)
    Spring Take upper level HLS and HKS classes. Participate in HKS Recruiting for post graduation job.
    Summer Graduate. Take bar exam (optional).
  • Get Involved

    In addition to your coursework, you should cultivate relationships with classmates, professors and alumni from both schools. This powerful network will assist you throughout your career. In addition, consider attending some of the hundreds of programs that take place both at HLS and HKS each year featuring practitioners, scholars, and business leaders from around the world. You should also consider joining one of the many student organizations, student practice organizations, journals, and clinics. The Harvard Journal on Legislation is often of interest to joint degree students. Numerous Professional Interest Councils (PICs) exist at HKS for students. You should review the calendars of both schools regularly.

  • Resources for Further Research