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HLS’s Early Interview Program (“EIP”) is the largest law school recruitment program in the country geared toward private sector employment. Participating employers primarily interview 2Ls for summer positions and some 3Ls for full-time positions following graduation.

If you are registered for EIP Week, you may also opt to register for Preview. During Preview, 2L students can submit resumes and transcripts to up to 5 employers in mid-June. Employers will receive application materials from Preview candidates and may conduct interviews before the start of classes on September 3, 2024. For more information about Preview, see our Preview FAQs.

2024 Important Dates

February 2024Employer Registration Opens
March 15, 2024Priority Registration Deadline
May 29 – June 18, 2024Preview bidding period for students
June 20, 2024Employers Receive Preview Applications
June 24 – July 23, 2024Student EIP Bidding Period
July 12, 2024Deadline for employers to reply to Preview applicants (if you intend to invite a student for an interview, please let them know by this date)
July 23 – July 24, 2024Employer Bid Count Review (employer’s last chance to make any final schedule adjustments before the lottery is run)
July 29, 2024Schedules available in Symplicity
July 30 – August 1, 2024EIP Interviews
August 2, 2024EIP Resume collection applications released
Resumes & transcripts from students who bid on resume collections will be available in Symplicity.
September 2, 2024Labor Day
September 3, 2024Fall classes begin for 2Ls & 3Ls

EIP Registration & Fees

Registration for EIP, Preview, and EIP Resume Collections is now open. Register in Symplicity then complete the required EIP Employer Registration Survey.


Please provide information about offers extended to and accepted by Summer Associates from Harvard Law.

  1. In Symplicity, select [OCI] from the left side navigation, followed by the [Feedback] sub-tab.
  2. In the [Summer Program Feedback] tab, select [SUM 2023] to report feedback for every HLS student who participated in your organization’s 2023 summer program.
  3. Submit your Summer Program Outcome information by clicking [Finalize]. Once submitted, you will be unable to change or add feedback information. Please contact us if you need to make adjustments to the information you provide.


  1. In Symplicity, select the [OCI Feedback] tab followed by “EIP Week August 2023.
  2. Report feedback for every HLS student who interviewed with your organization last year. Further instructions are available on the “Feedback” page in Symplicity.
    Please note: If more than one office participates in our program, all offices must submit feedback data before you receive your interview date.
  3. When complete, click [Finalize]. Once you submit your information you will be unable to change or add feedback information through Symplicity. Please contact us if you need to make adjustments to the information you provide.


  1. From the [OCI] tab, select the [Schedule Request] sub-tab.
  2. Click the red [Request A Schedule] button at the bottom of the page.
  3. Select the appropriate recruitment program(s) from the [Session] drop-down menu. *Note: if you intend to participate in Preview, you must submit requests for both EIP interviews and Preview separately.
  4. Complete all required fields and submit your request. You will receive an email confirmation containing the details of your request.
  5. Repeat the above steps to submit additional schedule requests.


  1. If your organization is a law firm, complete the EIP 2024 Employer Registration Survey (required part of registration in order to receive your interview date). One survey submission per firm is acceptable unless responses vary by office.

EIP Resume Collection

If your organization is unable to participate in virtual EIP interviews, we encourage you to register for a resume collection instead. Students submit resumes & transcripts to employers of their choosing and the application results are released to employers on August 2, 2024. Register in Symplicity.


Employers participating in EIP are expected to comply with Harvard Law School’s Recruiting Policies & Guidelines.

Employers are not permitted to pre-screen candidates for EIP week interviews. A randomized lottery procedure utilizing students’ employer preferences is used to assign interviews. This process is designed to maximize interviewing opportunities for both students and employers. Other than resumes, employers should not ask for additional documents such as a transcript in advance of their EIP week interviews. Employers also should not request students to submit a cover letter with their resume or to bring one to their interview.

Flo Recruit / Interview Platform

Interviews will take place in Flo Recruit. OCS strongly recommends consulting with your internal IT department to ensure interviewers are able to access and use the platform. To book a test call and read more about the platform, please see below.

Flo Recruit Resources: