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Historical & Special Collections

Open to all, Historical & Special Collections (HSC) connects researchers around the world with legal history, and supports the Harvard Law School’s research, teaching, and learning mission.

Harvard Law School Library
Langdell Hall
1545 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138

Phone: 617-495-4550

Manuscript page with full richly painted and illuminated floreate border with a fine large initial miniature of King Edward IV in royal robes enthroned and holding a globe but without a scepter, with the arms of Lord Hastings in border.
Closeup of rare book spines, stamped with Harvard Law Library.
Nine women, among the first female students to graduate from HLS, standing in line facing right in front of Vice Dean Livingston Hall.


The Root Room, Historical & Special Collections’ reading room, is open by appointment only, Tuesday-Friday, 10-5.
To schedule an appointment or get in touch with a member of the Historical & Special Collections staff, please email


Wednesday, March 5, 12:45-2:15

Friday, March 7, 3-5

Wednesday, March 12, 11:45-2:15

Tuesday, April 1, 10-11

Friday, April 4, 10-1

Wednesday, May 28-Thursday May 29

  • Featured image for HSC manager attends Rare Book School article

    HSC manager attends Rare Book School

    The Historical & Special Collections Department (HSC) at Harvard Law School Library (HLSL) holds a world-class and historically significant rare books and early manuscripts collection. As the new manager of HSC, I recently had the opportunity to attend Law Books: History & Connoisseurship at Rare Book School (RBS), a course taught by Mike Widener and

    August 2, 2024

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