HLS-licensed has been paid for by HLS for use by current HLS faculty, staff, and (in some cases) students. All of these programs are protected by copyright and license agreements. Do NOT distribute HLS-licensed software to people outside HLS or who do not have current HLS affiliations. Before you leave the Law School, you must remove all HLS-licensed software that you have installed on your personally owned computer(s).
VPN Client Software
Pre-installed on HLS owned computers but also available to students
VPN is software for establishing secure connections to HLS network services.
Adobe Creative Cloud
The Adobe Creative Cloud applications are available to all HLS faculty, staff, and students.
Install Adobe Creative Cloud
HLS Student Print Client
The PaperCut MF client allows HLS students to access public printing services; this will allow laptop users to print jobs to any of the dedicated public printers around the Law School. You must be connected to Harvard Secure WiFI or VPN to install the PaperCut software and to print.
HLS Remote Support
HLS Remote Support is used by HLS ITS to work on your machine remotely
Download HLS Remote Support for MacOS and Windows
WebEx Softphone
Note: Be sure to enter/update your location in WebEx for e911 purposes.
WebEx for your cell phone can be downloaded from the Google Play store or Apple App store