Research Programs
Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice
William T. Coleman Jr. '46--the former secretary of transportation and one of the lead strategists and co-authors of the legal brief for the appellants in Brown v. Board of Education--was the guest speaker Friday afternoon for a lecture series, sponsored by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice.
In a March 5 event sponsored by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, Harvard Law School Professor Randall Kennedy discussed his new book, entitled "Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal."
Panelists at a February 23 event on the Harvard Law School campus discussed the benefits and consequences of pursuing “color-blind” policies.
VIDEO: Panel explores legacy of Brown v. Board of Education
December 1, 2006
The Charles Hamilton Houston Institute recently hosted a panel discussion entitled, "Is Brown Still Relevant?: The Seattle and Louisville School Cases," reviewing two current cases that challenge the implementation of racial integration in public schools.