Henry Steiner
Henry Steiner: Eyeing the World
December 16, 2016
Professor Emeritus Henry J. Steiner recently spoke to a standing room only crowd at Harvard Law School about his new book 'Eyeing the World,' which features photos taken by Steiner, a human rights scholar and the founder of the law school’s Human Rights Program, over the last 50 years during his travels around the world.
One of Henry Steiner’s favorite images from his 50-plus years of taking pictures is of a massive boulder outside a Hindu temple in India. “The scene was all rock and sky, scorching sun, and deep shade, held together and dominated by the imperial boulder,” he writes in his self-published photography book “Eyeing the World.”...“Eyeing the World” features images from Bhutan, Brazil, Cambodia, Egypt, Italy, and Vietnam. When Steiner visited a farming village outside of Hanoi, a group of children stopped to watch him. One boy stood up and thrust his butt out, drawing laughter from his friends. Was it a show for Steiner? Was he being mocked? No matter, it made for a lively picture.
Harvard Law School’s Human Rights Program celebrates 30 years
October 2, 2014
On September 19, Harvard Law School hosted a celebration of the 30-year anniversary of the school’s Human Rights Program (HRP), a home for human rights scholarship and advocacy founded in 1984 by Professor Emeritus Henry J. Steiner.
The Human Rights Program at fifteen
April 25, 2000
Professor Henry Steiner '55, founder of the program, reflects on the agenda of HRP at Harvard and beyond, and the HLS graduates "battling in the trenches" for the human rights movement worldwide.